M.Sc. in horticulture in 1984 from the Royal Agricultural University of Copenhagen. In 1993 he obtained the Ph.D. degree from the Technical University of Denmark on a thesis on life cycle assessment. Since then he has been working as a consultant on life cycle assessment. Executive manager of the ecoinvent database from 2008 to 2012 and its Chief Scientist from 2012 to 2014. He is professor at Aalborg University and expert delegate to the ISO TC 207 / SC5 on life cycle assessment as well as president of the International Life Cycle Academy (ILCA).
Contributed publications
Weidema B P, Schmidt J, Muñoz I – 2024 The indirect global warming potential of methane oxidation in the IPCC’s sixth assessment report. Environmental Research Letters 19(12):121002 (6 pages)
Weidema B P, Schmidt J, – 2024 Proposals for improvements to the PEF method. 2.-0 LCA consultants, Aalborg, Denmark.
Brandão M, Weidema B P, Martin M, Cowie A, Hamelin L, Zamagni A – 2024 Consequential Life Cycle Assessment: What, Why and How? Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies (2nd edition) 1:181-189
Scherer L, Blackstone N T, Conrad Z, Fulgoni V L III, Mathers J C, van der Pols, J C, Willett W, Fantke P, Pfister S, Stylianou K S, Weidema B P, Canals L M, Jolliet O – 2024 Accounting for nutrition-related health impacts in food life cycle assessment: insights from an expert workshop. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2024) 29:953-966.
Hansen R N, Eliassen J L, Schmidt J, Andersen C E, Weidema B P, Birgisdóttir H, Hoxha E, – 2024 Environmental consequences of shifting to timber construction: The case of Denmark. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 46:54-67
Muñoz I, Weidema B P – 2024 Ethylene and propylene production from steam cracking in Europe: a consequential perspective. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 29:745–758
Hansen, R N, Andersen C M E, Birgisdottir H, Hoxha E, Eliassen J, Schmidt J, Weidema B – 2023 Miljømæssige konsekvenser ved ændring af byggeskik – Indledende studie af miljøpåvirkninger ved fortsættelse af nuværende konventionel byggeskik og ved en ændring til øget brug af træ. Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø (BUILD), Aalborg Universitet. BUILD Rapport Bind 2023 Nr. 2
Weidema B P, Eliassen J – 2023 Establishing a horizontal European climate label for products. Study for the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology, European Parliamentary Research Service, PE747.453
Madsen S T, Weidema B P – 2023 Input-output modelling for household activity-level environmental footprints: a systematic literature review. Environmental Research Letters 18(4): 043003 (17 Pages)
Weidema B P – 2023 Adjusting the social footprint methodology based on findings of subjective wellbeing research. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 28:70–79
Ghose A, Lissandrini M, Hansen E R, Weidema B P – 2022 A core ontology for modeling life cycle sustainability assessment on the Semantic Web. Journal of Industrial Ecology 26:731–747
Weidema B P, Schmidt J – 2022 Consequential Modelling – in Life Cycle Inventory Analysis. Youtube channel
Weidema B P – 2022 Life Cycle SDG Assessment. Aalborg: 2.-0 LCA consultants
Weidema B P – 2022 Comparison of the requirements of the GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle standard and the ISO 14040 series. 2.-0 LCA consultants, Aalborg, Denmark
Weidema B P – 2022 Relative importance of sustainability impact pathways – A first rough assessment. Aalborg: 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Almeida D T L, Weidema B P, Godin A – 2022 Beyond normative system boundaries in life cycle assessment: The environmental effect of income redistribution. Cleaner Environmental Systems 4:100072 (9 pages)
Weidema B P – 2021 Data collection guideline for pressure indicators for LCSA. Aalborg: 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Schrijvers D L, Loubet P, Weidema B P – 2021 To what extent is the Circular Footprint Formula of the Product Environmental Footprint Guide consequential? Journal of Cleaner Production 320:128800 (14 pages)
Weidema B P – 2021 CLCA – Current best practice for Life Cycle Assessment. A video presentation for National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) ad hoc committee for a meeting 3 in the series: Current Methods for Life Cycle Analyses of Low-Carbon Transportation Fuels in the United States.
Peña C, Civit B, Gallego-Schmid A, Druckman A, Caldeira- Pires A, Weidema B, Mieras E, Wang F, Fava J, Milà i Canals L, Cordella M, Arbuckle P, Valdivia S, Fallaha S, Motta W – 2021 Using life cycle assessment to achieve a circular economy. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 26:215–220
Weidema B P, Trolle T S – 2020 Assessment of the feasibility and potential impact of adding additional ecolabel criteria for global warming impacts of buildings and building materials. Aalborg, Denmark: 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Weidema B P, Goedkoop M, Meijer E, Harmens R – 2020 LCA-based assessment of the Sustainable Development Goals. Development update and preliminary findings of the Project “Linking the UN Sustainable Development Goals to life cycle impact pathway frameworks”. Date: 3 August 2020.
Weidema B P, Stylianou K S – 2020 Nutrition in the life cycle assessment of foods – function or impact? The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25:1210-1216
Peña C, Civit B, Gallego-Schmid A, Druckman A, Caldeira- Pires A, Weidema B, Mieras E, Wang F, Fava J, Milà i Canals L, Cordella M, Arbuckle P, Valdivia S, Fallaha S, Motta W – 2020 Using Life Cycle Assessment to achieve a circular economy. Position Paper of the Life Cycle Initiative, July
Weidema B P, Brandão M – 2020 Review of three recent textbooks on LCA. Journal of Industrial Ecology 24:726-730
Laurent A, Weidema B P, Bare J, Liao X, de Souza D M , Pizzol M, Sala S, Schreiber H, Thonemann N, Verones F – 2020 Methodological review and detailed guidance for the life cycle interpretation phase. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(2):986-1003
Weidema B P, Simas M S, Schmidt J, Pizzol M, Løkke S, Brancoli P L – 2020 Relevance of attributional and consequential information for environmental product labelling. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25:900–904
Berger M, Sonderegger T, Alvarenga R, Bach V, Cimprich A, Dewulf J, Frischknecht R, Guinée J, Helbig C, Huppertz T, Jolliet O, Motoshita M, Northey S, Peña C, Rugani B, Sahnoune A, Schrijvers D, Schulze R, Sonnemann G, Valero A, Weidema B P, Young S B – 2020 Mineral resources in life cycle impact assessment: part II – recommendations on application-dependent use of existing methods and on future method development needs. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25:798–813
Sonderegger T, Berger M, Alvarenga R, Bach V, Cimprich A, Dewulf J, Frischknecht R, Guinée J, Helbig C, Huppertz T, Jolliet O, Motoshita M, Northey S, Rugani B, Schrijvers D, Schulze R, Sonnemann G, Valero A, Weidema B P, Young S B – 2020 Mineral resources in life cycle impact assessment—part I: a critical review of existing methods. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25:784–797
Weidema B P – 2020 Towards a taxonomy for social impact pathway indicators. Pp. 11-23 in Traverso M, Petti L, Zamagni A, (eds.): Perspectives on Social LCA - Contributions from the 6th International Conference. 129 pages. SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-030-06564-5
Weidema B P – 2019 Assessing socio-economic impacts of agriculture. Chapter 8 in Weidema B P (ed.): Assessing the environmental impact of agriculture. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK
Weidema B P (ed.) – 2019 Assessing the environmental impact of agriculture. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK
Rugani B, de Souza D M, Weidema B P, Bare J, Bakshi B, Grann B, Johnston J M, Pavan A L R, Liu X, L Alexis, Verones F – 2019 Towards integrating the ecosystem services cascade framework within the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) cause-effect methodology. Science of The Total Environment 690:1284-1298
Weidema B P, Pizzol M, Schmidt J, Thoma G – 2019 Social responsibility is always consequential — Rebuttal to Brander, Burritt and Christ (2019): Coupling attributional and consequential life cycle assessment: A matter of social responsibility. Journal of Cleaner Production 223:12-13
Weidema B P – 2019 Consistency check for life cycle assessments. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24(5):926-934
Huppertz T, Weidema B P, Standaert S, De Caevel B, van Overbeke E – 2019 The social cost of sub-soil resource use. Resources 8(1):2-17
Weidema B P – 2018 Nutrition – function or impact? Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2018 (LCA Food). 17-19 October 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
Weidema B P, Schmidt J, Fantke P, Pauliuk S – 2018 On the boundary between economy and environment in LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23(9):1839-1846
Weidema B P, Goedkoop M, Mieras E – 2018 Making the SDGs relevant to business. PRé Sustainability & 2.-0 LCA consultants
Schulze R, Weidema B P, Schebek L, Buchert M – 2018 Recycling and its effects on joint production systems and the environment – the case of rare earth magnet recycling – Part I — Production model. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 134:336-346
Weidema B P, Fantke P – 2018 Relating the Global Burden of Disease to life cycles. Procedia CIRP 69:417–422
Weidema B P – 2018 In search of a consistent solution to allocation of joint production. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(2):252-262
Weidema B P – 2018 The social footprint—a practical approach to comprehensive and consistent social LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23(3):700-709
Weidema B P, Pizzol M, Schmidt J, Thoma G – 2018 Attributional or consequential Life Cycle Assessment: A matter of social responsibility. Journal of Cleaner Production 174:305–314
Weidema B P – 2018 Attributional and consequential interpretations of the ISO 14044. Historical snapshot from the work in ISO TC207/SC5/TG1
Sonderegger T, Dewulf J, Fantke P, de Souza D M, Pfister S, Stoessel F, Verones F, Vieira M, Weidema B P, Hellweg S – 2017 Towards harmonizing natural resources as an area of protection in life cycle impact assessment. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22(12):1912–1927
Schenker U, Weidema B P – 2017 White paper – social footprint. White Paper from Nestlé Research, Lausanne, September 2017
Weidema B P – 2017 Estimation of the size of error introduced into consequential models by using attributional background datasets. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22(8):1241-1246
Pizzol M, Laurent A, Sala S, Weidema B P, Verones F and Koffler C – 2017 Normalisation and weighting in life cycle assessment: quo vadis? The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22(6):853–866
Weidema B P – 2017 Short procedural guideline to identify the functional unit for a product environmental footprint and to delimit the scope of product categories. 2.-0 LCA consultants, report to the Nordic Council of Ministers
Weidema B P, de Saxcé M, Muñoz I – 2016 Environmental impacts of alcoholic beverages – as distributed by the Nordic Alcohol Monopolies 2014. 2.-0 LCA consultants, Aalborg, 30th December 2016
Ciroth A, Muller S, Weidema B P, Lesage P – 2016 Empirically based uncertainty factors for the pedigree matrix in ecoinvent. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21(9):1338–1348
Wernet G, Bauer C, Steubing B, Reinhard J, Moreno-Ruiz E, Weidema B – 2016 The ecoinvent database version 3 (part I): overview and methodology. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21(9):1218–1230
Muller S, Lesage P, Ciroth A, Mutel C, Weidema B P, Samson R – 2016 The application of the pedigree approach to the distributions foreseen in ecoinvent v3. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21(9):1327–1337
Weidema B P – 2016 Valuation procedures for Product Environmental Footprint (PEF). Published as Chapter 5 of Christiansen K. (ed.): Nordic Environmental Footprint Seminar on LCA/PEF Issues
Ekvall T , Azapagic A, Finnveden G, Rydberg T, Weidema B P, Zamagni A – 2016 Attributional and consequential LCA in the ILCD Handbook. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21(3):293-296
Moreau V, Weidema B P – 2015 The computational structure of environmental life cycle costing. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20(10):1359-1363
Janowicz K, Krisnadhi A, Hu Y, Suh S., Weidema B P, Rivela B, Tivander J, Meyer D, Berg-Cross G, Hitzler P, Ingwersen W, Kuczenski B, Vardeman C, Ju Y, and Cheatham M – 2015 A minimal ontology pattern for life cycle assessment data. 6th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP 2015)
Muñoz I, Schmidt J, Brandão M, Weidema B P – 2015 Rebuttal to ‘Indirect land use change (iLUC) within life cycle assessment (LCA) – scientific robustness and consistency with international standards’. GCB Bioenergy, Letter to editor 7(4):565-566
de Saxcé M, Schmidt J, Weidema B P – 2015 Life cycle evaluation of the effect of ecolabels – Apartment buildings, canteens and laundry detergents. Ecolabelling Denmark, Copenhagen.
Schmidt J, Weidema B P, Brandão M – 2015 A framework for modelling indirect land use changes in life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production 99:230-238
Weidema B P, Brandão M – 2015 Ethical perspectives on planetary boundaries and LCIA. Extended abstract for presentation at the SETAC2015, Barcelona 3-7 May 2015
Weidema B P – 2015 The social footprint – A practical approach to comprehensive and consistent social LCA. Extended abstract for presentation at the SETAC2015, Barcelona 3-7 May 2015
Pizzol M, Weidema B P, Brandão M, Osset P – 2015 Monetary valuation in life cycle assessment: a review. Journal of Cleaner Production 86:170-179
Muñoz I, Schmidt J, Brandão M, Weidema B P – 2014 Avoiding the streetlight effect: Rebuttal to ‘Indirect land use change (iLUC) within life cycle assessment (LCA) – scientific robustness and consistency with international standards’ by prof. Dr. Matthias Finkbeiner. 2.-0 LCA consultants, Skibbrogade 5, 1, 9000, Aalborg, Denmark
Weidema B P – 2014 Bo Weidema’s comments on the LEAP guideline on “Greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy demand from poultry supply chains”. Organisation: 2.-0 LCA consultants
Weidema B P – 2014 Comparing three life cycle impact assessment methods from an endpoint perspective. Journal of Industrial Ecology 19(1):20-26
Weidema B P – 2014 Has ISO 14040/44 failed its role as a standard for LCA? Journal of Industrial Ecology 18(3):324-326
Bulle C, Weidema B P, Margni M, Humbert S, Rosenbaum R, Jolliet O – 2014 Comparing IMPACT World+ with other LCIA methodologies at end-point level using the Stepwise weighting factors. Presentation for SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, 11.-15. May 2014
Weidema B P, Pizzol M, Brandão M – 2013 The Use of Monetary Valuation of Environmental Impacts in Life Cycle Assessment: State of the art, strengths and weaknesses. SCORE-LCA report Nb 2012-03, Date: 10/2013
Weidema B P, Christiansen K, Wernet G – 2013 Radically reducing the costs of panel critical reviews according to ISO 14040. Presentation for 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Gothenburg 2013.08.25-28.
Weidema B P, Bauer C, Hischier R, Mutel C, Nemecek T, Reinhard J, Vadenbo C O, Wernet G – 2013 Overview and methodology. Data quality guideline for the ecoinvent database version 3. Ecoinvent Report 1(v3). St. Gallen: The ecoinvent Centre.
Weidema B P – 2013 Reducing impacts of forestry – the fallacy of low-intensity management. Presentation for 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Gothenburg 2013.08.25-28.
Brandão M, Weidema B P – 2013 Conceptual challenges for internalising externalities. Presentation for 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Gothenburg 2013.08.25-28.
Weidema B P – 2013 Guide to interpret the EU product environmental footprint (PEF) guide. Published April 15th 2013. Aalborg: 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Brandão M, Weidema B P – 2013 LCA Data Modelling: The Consequential Approach. Chapter 3.2 in De Camillis, C., Brandão, M., Zamagni, A., Pennington, D. (eds.): Sustainability assessment of future-oriented scenarios: a review of data modelling approaches in Life Cycle Assessment. Towards recommendations for policy making and business strategies. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, pp. 17-20
Skibsted T, Jørgensen R, Thomasen H, Weidema B P – 2013 Miljøråd. En samfunds- økonomisk analyse. Miljøprojekt, 2013 1478. Miljøstyrelsen, København.
Weidema B P – 2013 Klima-fodaftryk for genbrug af hittegodscykler – Carbon footprint for Baisikeli’s genbrugsprojekt i Mozambique. 2.-0 LCA consultants, Aalborg, Denmark.
Weidema B P – 2012 New paradigm or old distance to target? Environmental Science & Technology 46(2):570
Brandão M, Levasseur A, Kirschbaum M U F, Weidema B P, Cowie A L, Joergensen S V, Hauschild M Z, Pennington D W, Chomkhamsri K – 2012 Key issues and options in accounting for carbon sequestration and temporary storage in life cycle assessment and carbon footprinting. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18 (1):230-240
Koellner T, de Baan L, Beck T, Brandão M, Civit B, Goedkoop M, Margni M, Milà i Canals L, Müller-Wenk R, Weidema B P, Wittstock B – 2012 Principles for life cycle inventories of land use on a global scale. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18 (6):1203-1215
Ciroth A, Muller S, Weidema B P – 2012 Refining the pedigree matrix approach in ecoinvent. Published by GreenDelta - May 2012, Version 7.1
Weidema B P – 2011 Uncertainty reduction in consequential LCA models. Presentation for the Life Cycle Assessment XI (LCA XI) Conference, Chicago, 2011.10.4-6.
Weidema B P – 2011 Insights from life cycle modelling. Presentation for the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative workshop on Knowledge mining on Product Sustainability from LCA Studies for Effective LCM Practice, Berlin, 2011-09-01.
Weidema B P – 2011 Stepping stones from life cycle assessment to adjacent assessment techniques. Journal of Industrial Ecology 15(5):658-661.
Weidema B P – 2011 Ecoinvent database version 3 – the practical implications of the choice of system model. Presentation for the Life Cycle Management (LCM 2011) conference, Berlin, 2011.08.28-31.
Weidema B P – 2011 Re-engineering LCA for simplicity and flexibility. Presentation for the SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Milano, 2011.05.15-19.
Weidema B P – 2010 Environmental training for the food industry. Pp. 356-373 in Sonnesen U, Berlin J and Ziegler F (eds.): Environmental assessment and management in the food industry: Life cycle assessment and related approaches. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition No. 194. ISBN 978-1-84569-552-1.
Weidema B P, Schmidt J – 2010 Avoiding allocation in life cycle assessment revisited. Column for Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(2):192-195.
Schmidt J, Weidema B P, Suh S – 2010 FORWAST: Documentation of the final model used for the scenario analyses. Deliverable 6-4 of the EU FP6-project FORWAST. http://forwast.brgm.fr/.
Reinhard J, Weidema B P, Schmidt J – 2010 Identifying the marginal supply of wood pulp. 2.-0 LCA consultants, Aalborg, Denmark.
Suh S, Weidema B P, Schmidt J, Heijungs R – 2010 Generalized make and use framework for allocation in life cycle assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(2):335-353.
Hermansen J E, Kristensen I S, Nguyen T L T, Weidema B P, Dalgaard R, Andersen M S – 2010 Pilotprojekt – Samfundsmæssig effekt af miljøforbedrende tiltag i jordbruget. Report for Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fishery
Schmidt J, Weidema B P – 2009 Response to the public consultation on a set of guidance documents of the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook. 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Weidema B P, Ekvall T, Heijungs R – 2009 Guidelines for applications of deepened and broadened LCA. Deliverable D18 of work package 5 of the CALCAS project.
Weidema B P – 2009 Avoiding or ignoring uncertainty. Column for Journal of Industrial Ecology 13(3):354-356.
Weidema B P, Hermansen J, Eder P – 2009 Meat and milk products in Europe: Impacts and improvements. Pp. 295-305 in Nemecek T, Gaillard G (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on LCA in the Agri-Food Sector.
Notten P, Suh S, Weidema B P – 2009 Prioritizing within the product-oriented environmental policy – the Danish perspectives. Pp. 397-415 in Suh S. (ed.): Handbook of Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology. Springer Netherlands.
Weidema B P – 2009 Using the budget constraint to monetarise impact assessment results. Ecological Economics 68(6):1591-1598.
Andrews E S, Barthel L-P, Beck T, Benoit C, Ciroth A, Cucuzzella C, Gensch C-O, Hubert J, Lesage P, Manhart A, Maria L, Mazeau P, Mazijn B, Methot A-L, Moberg A, Norris G A, Parent J, Prakash S, Reveret J-P, Spillemaeckers S, Ugaya S, Valdivia S, Weidema B P – 2009 Guidelines for social life cycle assessment of products. United Nations Environment Programme.
Christiansen K, Weidema B P, Hauschild M – 2009 Livscyklusvurderinger – en kommenteret oversættelse af ISO 14040 og 14044. Charlottenlund: Dansk Standard. (DS-Håndbog 126:2009).
Weidema B P, Wesnæs M, Hermansen J, Kristensen T, Halberg N – 2008 Environmental improvement potentials of meat and dairy products. Eder P & Delgado L (eds.) Sevilla: Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. (EUR 23491 EN).
Weidema B P – 2008 Rebound effects of sustainable production. Presentation to the "Sustainable Consumption and Production" session of the conference "Bridging the Gap; Responding to Environmental Change - From Words to Deeds", Portoro, Slovenia, 2008.05.14-16. (Also presented to LCAVIII, Seattle, 2008.09.30).
Thiesen J, Christensen T S, Kristensen T G, Andersen R D, Brunoe B, Gregersen T K, Thrane M, Weidema B P – 2008 Rebound effects of price differences. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13(2):104-114
Weidema B P – 2008 Framework for and review of biodiversity indicators for forest management in the context of product life cycle assessment. Hørsholm: 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Weidema B P – 2008 Criteria for good biodiversity indicators for forest management in the context of product life cycle assessment. Hørsholm: 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Schmidt J, Weidema B P – 2008 Shift in the marginal supply of vegetable oil. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13(3):235-239
Weidema B P, Thrane M, Christensen P, Schmidt J, Løkke S – 2008 Carbon footprint. A catalyst for life cycle assessment? Journal of Industrial Ecology, 12(1):3-6
Weidema B P, Hauschild M, Jolliet O – 2007 Preparing characterisation methods for endpoint impact assessment. Published as Annex II of the report: "Environmental improvement potentials of meat and dairy products". Together with the publication "Using the budget constraint to monetarise impact assessment results", this publication provides a complete presentation of our Stepwise2006 impact assessment method. The Stepwise package contains both articles and a CSV-file for direct import of the method into the SimaPro LCA software.
Weidema B P – 2007 Allocation in recycling. Excerpts from an Online LCA Forum discussion.
Wesnæs M, Weidema B P – 2007 NAMEA-based normalisation reference for Europe year 2000 (zip-file). Hørsholm: 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Hornblow B, Weidema B P – 2007 Review of recent macro-economic scenarios. Deliverable 5-1 of the FORWAST project
Weidema B P, Thrane M – 2007 Comments on the development of harmonized method for Sustainability Assessment of Technologies (SAT). Comments on the main issues raised in the Background paper to the first workshop on Sustainability Assessment of Technologies (Galatola 2007a) and the subsequent presentation at the SETAC conference (Galatola 2007b)
Weidema B P – 2006 Social impact categories, indicators, characterisation and damage modelling. Presentation for the 29th Swiss LCA Discussion Forum, 2006-06-15.
Wesnæs M, Weidema B P – 2006 Long-term market reactions to changes in demand for NaOH. Study for Novozymes. Copenhagen: 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Weidema B P, Wesnæs M, Christiansen K, Koneczny K – 2006 Life-cycle based cost-benefit assessment of waste management options. Presentation for ISWA Annual Congress 2006, Copenhagen, 2006.10.1-5. The full report from this study has been edited and published by the EU Commission.
Weidema B P, Suh S, Notten P – 2006 Setting priorities within product-oriented environmental policy: the Danish perspectives. Journal of Industrial Ecology 10(3):73-87
Weidema B P – 2006 The integration of economic and social aspects in life cycle impact assessment. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 11(1):89-96
Grießhammer R, Benoit C, Dreyer L C, Flysjö A, Manhart A, Mazijn B, Methot A-L, Weidema B P – 2006 Feasibility Study: Integration of social aspects into LCA. Prepared for the UNEP Life Cycle Initiative. Freiburg: Eco-Institute.
Christiansen K, Wesnæs M, Weidema B P – 2006 Consumer demands on Type III environmental declarations. Report commissioned by ANEC - the consumer voice in standardisation.
Weidema B P, Wesnæs M – 2005 Marginal production routes and co-product allocation for alcoholetoxylate from palm oil and palm kernel oil (zip-file). Study for Novozymes. Copenhagen: 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Weidema B P, Nielsen A M, Halberg N, Kristensen I S, Jespersen C M, Thodberg L – 2005 Sammenligning af miljøpåvirkningen af konkurrerende jordbrugsprodukter. Miljøprojekt Nr. 1028 2005
Weidema B P – 2005 Hybrid LCA made easy. Poster for the 2005 SETAC conference
Weidema B P – 2005 ISO 14044 also applies to social LCA. Letter to the editor. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10(6):381
Stewart M, Weidema B P – 2005 A consistent framework for assessing the impacts from resource use – A focus on resource functionality. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10(4):240-247
Weidema B P, Christiansen K, Nielsen A M, Norris G A, Notten P, Suh S, Madsen J – 2005 Prioritisation within the integrated product policy. Environmental project no. 980. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Weidema B P – 2005 The integration of economic and social aspects in life cycle impact assessment. Presentation for the LCM2005 conference, Barcelona, 2005.09.05-07
Nielsen P H, Tukker A, Weidema B P, Lauridsen E H, Notten P – 2004 Environmental impact of the use of natural resources. Seville: Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, European Commission DG Joint Research Centre. (Technical Report EUR 21485 EN)
Hansen K, Petersen C, Weidema B P, Wenzel H – 2004 Produkt, funktionel enhed og referencestrømme i LCA. København: Miljøstyrelsen. (Miljønyt 69).
Hvid S K, Weidema B P, Kristensen I S, Dalgaard R, Nielsen A H, Bech-Larsen T – 2004 Miljøvurdering af landbrugsprodukter. København: Miljøstyrelsen. (Miljøprojekt 954).
Weidema B P – 2004 Vær ikke bange for at træde nogen over tæerne. Bidrag til serien "Hvis jeg var miljøminister...". Miljø Horisont 11(4).
Thodberg L, Bauer B, Weidema B P, Cederberg C, Søndergaard H A, Løber M, Halberg N, Madsen N L, Nielsen P H, Kofoed S, Hvid S K – 2004 Produktorienteret miljøindsats i landbrugssektoren – forudsætninger. København: Miljøstyrelsen. (Miljøprojekt 900).
Weidema B P, Norris G A – 2004 Avoiding co-product allocation in the metals sector. Pp. 81-87 in A Dubreuil: "Life Cycle Assessment and Metals: Issues and research directions." Pensacola: SETAC. (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Life Cycle Assessment and Metals, Montreal, Canada, 2002.04.15-17). Note the error in the two formulas on p. 4: 1*11/14 --> 1*10/14 and 4*11/14 --> 4*1/14.
Weidema B P – 2004 Geographical, technological and temporal delimitation in LCA. UMIP 2003 method. København: Miljøstyrelsen. (Environmental News 74)
Weidema B P, Ekvall T, Pesonen H-L, Rebitzer G, Sonnemann G, Spielmann M – 2004 Scenarios in life-cycle assessment. Edited by G Rebitzer & T Ekvall. Pensacola: SETAC.
Weidema B P, Wenzel H, Petersen C, Hansen K – 2004 The product, functional unit and reference flows in LCA. København: Miljøstyrelsen. (Environmental News 70)
Nielsen A M, Nielsen P H, Jensen J D, Andersen M, Weidema B P – 2004 Identification of processes affected by a marginal change in demand for food products – two examples on Danish pigs and cheese. Pp. 127-134 in N Halberg (ed.): Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-food sector. Proceedings from 4th International Conference, 2003.10.6-8, Bygho
Rebitzer G, Ekvall T, Fischknecht R, Hunkeler D, Norris G A, Rydberg T, Schmidt W-P, Suh S, Weidema B P, Pennington D W – 2004 Life Cycle Assessment. Part 1: Framework, goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, and applications. Environment International 30(5):701-720
Jolliet O, Müller-Wenk R, Bare J, Brent A, Goedkoop M, Heijungs R, Itsubo N, Peña C, Pennington D W, Potting J, Rebitzer G, Stewart M, Udo de Haes H, Weidema B P – 2004 The LCIA midpoint-damage framework of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 9(6):394-404
Ekvall T, Weidema B P – 2004 System boundaries and input data in consequential life cycle inventory analysis. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 9(3):161-171
Weidema B P – 2004 Life cycle system delimitiation – an option or a must for EMA? Presentation for EMAN conference, Lüneburg, 2004.03.04-05
Nielsen P H, Nielsen A M, Weidema B P, Dalgaard R, Halberg N – 2003 LCA food data base. Tjele: Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Weidema B P – 2003 Environmental training for the food industry. Chapter 15 in Mattsson B, Sonesson U: Environmentally-friendly food processing. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing and CRC Press
Weidema B P – 2003 Market information in life cycle assessment. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental Project no. 863)
Weidema B P – 2003 Flexibility for application. Market modelling in LCI databases. Presentation to the International Workshop on LCI-Quality, Karlsruhe, 2003.10.20-21
Weidema B P – 2003 Matching bottom-up and top-down for verification and integration of LCI databases. Presentation to the International Workshop on LCI-Quality, Karlsruhe, 2003.10.20-21
Weidema B P, Frees N, Petersen E H, Øllgaard H – 2003 Reducing uncertainty in LCI. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental project no. 862)
Notten P, Weidema B P – 2003 An expert system approach to LCI database management. Presentation to the International Workshop on LCI-Quality, Karlsruhe, 2003.10.20-21
Jolliet O, Brent A, Goedkoop M, Itsubo N, Mueller-Wenk R, Peña C, Schenk R, Stewart M, Weidema B P – 2003 Final report of the LCIA definition study. Life Cycle Impact Assessment programme of The UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative
Nielsen A M, Christiansen K, Weidema B P – 2003 Prioritisation of product groups and product areas in the integrated product policy. Seminar-proceedings.
Weidema B P – 2003 “Dispersal of invasive species and GMO” and “Use of natural resources”. Chapter 11 and chapter 12 (with M Stewart) of the Life Cycle Impact Assessment definition study: Background document III. Analysis of midpoint categories. Life Cycle Impact Assessment programme of The UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative.
Weidema B P, Cappellaro F, Carlson R, Notten P, Pålsson A-C, Patyk A, Regalini E, Sacchetto F, Scalbi S – 2003 Procedural guideline for collection, treatment, and quality documentation of LCA data. Document LC-TG-23-001 of the CASCADE project
Weidema B P, Inaba A, Keoleain G A – 2002 Critical review of the 2002 update of the IISI Worldwide LCI Database for Steel Industry Products. Pp. 82-85 in World Steel Life Cycle Inventory, Methodology Report 1999-2000. Brussels: International Iron and Steel Institute
Weidema B P, Thodberg L, Nielsen A H, Kristensen I S, Hermansen J E, Hvid S K – 2002 Produktorienteret miljøindsats i landbrugets primærproduktion. København: Miljøstyrelsen. (Arbejdsrapport fra Miljøstyrelsen nr. 19).
Nielsen A M, Weidema B P – 2002 Miljøvurdering af alternative bortskaffelsesveje for bionedbrydelig emballage. Miljøstyrelsen, Miljøprojekt nr. 680
Weidema B P – 2002 Quantifying Corporate Social Responsibility in the value chain. Presentation for the Life Cycle Management Workshop of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative at the ISO TC207 meeting, Johannesburg, 2002-06-12
Weidema B P – 2001 Livscyklusvurderinger. Hvad kan de? Hvor nemt er det? Kan alle blot gå i gang? Pp. 23-28 i M Wesnæs: Livscyklusvurdering af fødevarer - miljø fra jord til bord Søborg: Fødevaredirektoratet. (FødevareRapport 2001:09).
Weidema B P – 2001 Areas of protection and the impact chain. Gate to EHS: Global LCA village. March 2002 p. 1-3. This paper is a contribution to a debate in the SETAC-Europe Working Group on impact assessment, which is fully documented in W. Klöpffer: The Areas of Protection Debate. See also the above paper on land use, which was the context in which some of these ideas were developed.
Weidema B P – 2001 Two cases of misleading environmental declarations due to system boundary choices. Presentation for the 9th SETAC Europe LCA Case Studies Symposium, Noordwijkerhout, 2001.11.14-15
Jerlang J, Christiansen K, Weidema B P, Jensen A A, Hauschild M – 2001 Livscyklusvurderinger – en kommenteret oversættelse af ISO 14040 til 14043. Charlottenlund: Dansk Standard. (DS-Håndbog 126:2001). ISBN 87-7310-270-9
Nielsen A M, Weidema B P – 2001 Input/Output-analysis – Shortcut to life cycle data? Proceedings of a workshop held in Copenhagen on the 29th of September 2000. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental Project 581).
Weidema B P, Lindeijer E – 2001 Physical impacts of land use in product life cycle assessment. Final report of the EURENVIRON-LCAGAPS sub-project on land use. Lyngby: Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management, Technical University of Denmark. (IPL-033-01). Revised version dated 2001.12.31
Weidema B P – 2001 LCM – a synthesis of modern management theories. Invited lecture for LCM2001 - The 1st International conference on life cycle management, Copenhagen, 2000.08.26-29
Huijbregts M, Norris G A, Bretz R, Ciroth A, Maurice B, von Bahr B, Weidema B P, de Beaufort A S H – 2001 Framework for modeling data uncertainty in life cycle inventories. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 6(3):127-132
Weidema B P – 2001 Avoiding co-product allocation in life-cycle assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology 4(3):11-33. Also see the addendum containing a further simplification of the presented rules for avoiding allocation.
Weidema B P – 2000 Avoiding co-product allocation in a simplified hypothetical refinery. Section, pp. 36-41 in Part 2b: Operational annex of J B Guinée, M Gorrée, R Heijungs, G Huppes, R Kleijn, A de Koning, L van Oers, A W Sleeswijk, S Suh, H A Udo de Haes, H de Bruijn, R van Duin, M A J Huijbregts, E Lindeijer, A A H Roorda, B L van der Ven, B P Weidema (2001): LCA - An operational guide to the ISO standard. Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science Leiden University
Calzoni J, Caspersen C, Dercas N, Gaillard G, Gosse G, Hanegraaf M, Heinzer L, Jungk N, Kool A, Korsuize G, Lechner M, Leviel B, Neumayr R, Nielsen A M, Nielsen P H, Nikolaou A, Panoutsou C, Panvini A, Patyk A, Rathbauer J, Reinhardt G A, Riva G, Smedile E, Stettler C, Weidema B P, Wörgetter M, van Zeijts H – 2000 Bioenergy for Europe: Which one fits best? A comparative analysis for the community. Heidelberg: IFEU – Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH (Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg).
Weidema B P – 2000 The SPOLD information system for LCI data – a global solution to LCI data exchange. Poster presentation to the 3rd SETAC World Congress, Brighton 2000.05.21-25
Weidema B P – 2000 SPOLD Data Exchange Software. A software to create, edit, view, import and export data sets for environmental life cycle inventories using the SPOLD data format.. Brussels: SPOLD.
Weidema B P – 2000 Report from the 8th SETAC LCA Case Studies Symposium. Notes from the 8th SETAC LCA Case Studies Symposium, Brussels, 30 November 2000
Weidema B P – 2000 Methodological progress to meet the needs of users. Invited lecture. Pp. 21-22 in the proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Eco Balance, Tsukuba, 2000.10.31-11.02. Also available in Japanese
Weidema B P – 2000 Can resource depletion be omitted from environmental impact assessments? Poster presentation to the 3rd SETAC World Congress, Brighton 2000.05.21-25
Weidema B P, Meeusen M J G, (eds.) – 2000 Agricultural data for life cycle assessments. Vol. 1 & 2. The Hague: Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI). Report 2.00.01. 189+157 pages. ISBN 90-5242-563-9.
Weidema B P – 2000 LCA developments for promoting sustainability. Invited keynote lecture for 2nd National Conference on LCA, Melbourne, 2000.02.23-24
Pesonen H-L, Ekvall T, Fleischer G, Huppes G, Jahn C, Klos Z S, Rebitzer G, Sonnemann G, Tintinelli A, Weidema B P, Wenzel H – 2000 Framework for scenario development in LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 5(1):21-30
Weidema B P – 2000 Increasing credibility of LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 5(2):63–64
Weidema B P – 1999 A reply to the aluminium industry: Each market has its own marginal. Letter to the Editor responding to previously published article on Marginal production technologies for LCI's. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 4(6):309-310
Weidema B P – 1999 System expansions to handle co-products of renewable materials. Pp. 45-48 in Presentation Summaries of the 7th LCA Case Studies Symposium. Brussels: SETAC-Europe
Weidema B P, Frees N, Nielsen A M – 1999 Marginal production technologies for life cycle inventories. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 4(1):48-56
Wesnæs M, Weidema B P – 1998 Miljøvurdering af PEN som emballagemateriale til øl i Danmark i sammenligning med den eksisterende genpåfyldelige glasemballage. Rapport til Carlsberg A/S
Ekvall T, Person L, Ryberg A, Widheden J, Frees N, Nielsen P H, Weidema B P, Wesnæs M – 1998 Life cycle assessment on packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Main report. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental Project 399)
Weidema B P – 1998 New developments in the methodology for life cycle assessment. Pp. 47-50 in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Ecobalance, Tsukuba 1998.11.25-27 (Read the handout, which is an expanded version of the paper appearing in the proceedings) (Also available in Japanese)
Ryberg A, Ekvall T, Person L, Weidema B P – 1998 Life cycle assessment on packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Aluminium cans. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental Project 402)
Person L, Ekvall T, Weidema B P – 1998 Life cycle assessment on packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Disposable PET bottles. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental Project 405)
Person L, Ekvall T, Weidema B P – 1998 Life cycle assessment on packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Refillable PET bottles. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental Project 404)
Frees N, Weidema B P – 1998 Life cycle assessment on packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Energy and transport scenarios. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Project 406)
Weidema B P – 1998 Multi-user test of the Data Quality Matrix for product life cycle inventory. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 3(5):259-265
Weidema B P – 1998 Application typologies for life cycle assessment – A review. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 3(4):237- 240
Hoffmann L, Weidema B P, Ersbøll A K – 1997 Datakvalitet og statistisk analyse i livscyklusvurdering. København: Miljøstyrelsen (Arbejdsrapport fra Miljøstyrelsen Nr. 49 1997)
Mortensen B, Hauschild M, Weidema B P, Nielsen P, Schmidt A, Christensen B H – 1997 Livscyklusvurdering af produkter baseret på fornybare råvarer. Lyngby: Instituttet for Produktudvikling. Sælges ved henvendelse til cm@ipl.dtu.dk
Weidema B P, Mortensen B – 1997 Results of a test of LCA-software with statistical functionality. Note for the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Lyngby: Institute for Product Development. The .pdf-file provided here does not contain the annex. Please note that this is not an assessment of LCA-software on the market, but an assessment of the statistical functionality of software at the beta-stage.
Weidema B P, Wesnæs M, Erichsen H L, Rydberg T, Eriksson E, Person L, Frees N – 1997 Life cycle assessment on packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Report A: Definition of goal and scope. Results of preliminary investigation. 116 pages, unpublished
Weidema B P – 1997 Guidelines for critical review of life cycle assessments. Originally published 1997 by SPOLD (more info), Brussels. 14 pages
Weidema B P, Mortensen B – 1996 Livscyklusvurdering af levnedsmidler – en ny konkurrrenceparameter – hvordan kommer vi i gang? (hhv 12 og 45 sider med illustrationer). Lyngby: Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber.
Weidema B P – 1996 Improving the performance of LCA. Pp. 247-252 in Proceedings of the 2. International Conference on EcoBalance, Tsukuba, 18.-20. november 1996 (also available in Japanese pp. 210-213 in japanese version of proceedings)
Weidema B P – 1996 Hvordan kortlægger man produkters miljøbelastning – og hvad kan det anvendes til? Side 31-34 i I-E Andersen: Fremtidens forbrug og miljø. Slutdokument og ekspert-indlæg på Teknologirådets og Forbrugerrådets konsensuskonference om forbrug og miljø, København, 1.-4. november 1996.
Singhofen A, Hemming C, Weidema B P, Grisel L, Bretz R, de Smet B, Russell D – 1996 Life cycle inventory data: Development of a common format. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 1(3):171-178
Weidema B P, Wesnæs M – 1996 Data quality management for life cycle inventories – an example of using data quality indicators. Journal of Cleaner Production 4(3-4):167-174
Weidema B P, Mortensen B – 1995 Forbrugernes mulighed for at ændre indkøb og tilberedning af fødevarer i en mere miljøvenlig retning. Projektinternt notat til projektet "Miljøbelastningen ved familiens aktiviteter" Lyngby: Instituttet for Produktudvikling, 1995.08.26. (rettet 10.30.)
Weidema B P – 1995 Life cycle screenings of two food products. Cleaner Technologies and Cleaner Products for Sustainable Development, NATO ASI Series 2:53-64
Weidema B P (ed.) – 1994 Two fictional life cycle assessments – a workbook on LCA. UETP-EEE, The Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers (TEK), Helsinki, Finland, 96 pages