Our LCSA club is a forum for co-development of a comprehensive, quantified impact pathway framework for the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The LCSA club offers a rational and operational approach for your contribution to the UN 2030 Agenda.

Become a member of the LCSA Club

The unique feature of our approach is the use of sustainable wellbeing (utility) as a comprehensive summary indicator for all social, ecosystem and economic impacts. This indicator provides a single, quantitative endpoint for all causal impact pathways in a comprehensive, quantified impact pathway framework encompassing all the indicators for the 169 targets of the SDGs, and linking directly to data for company specific activities and product life cycles.

The project currently has its focus on software implementation of an initial quantitative screening approach, finalising characterisation factors for the most important impact pathways, and adding uncertainty data.

The income from new memberships is used exclusively to finance our further research and method development. Members choose which impact category that they wish their money to be spent on, and thereby influence what impact categories will be further specified or improved for the next version of the database.

The club is open to everyone and price of subscription is a onetime amount of EUR 7000. Would you like to subscribe, or to know more? Read more on the project page or contact us.

Example files

The below entries are examples of LCSA Club content.

  • 2021-11-21 zip LCA to SDG – A Life Cycle SDG Screening approach This report provides a simplified version of the impact pathway approach, with emphasis of establishing qualitative links to the SDG Targets from already collected LCA data according to the ReCiPe2016 and ILCD methods and the 2018 Product Social Impact Assessment Handbook and methodology report of PRé Consultants. The zip-file contains an introduction and the 17 chapters as well as a separate data collection guideline for SDG screening case studies. These draft chapters have been prepared by PRé Sustainability. This version uploaded 2021-11-24.
  • 2021-04-06 zip An exhaustive quantitative indicator and impact pathway framework for sustainable development Introduction and draft/incomplete chapters that for 11 0f the 17 SDGs. Each chapter describe the impact pathways from changes in human activities via one or more of the 17 UN SDGs, further to a single endpoint measure of sustainable wellbeing (“Utility”). The importance of each impact pathway is determined from a top-down quantitative analysis starting from the quantified impact on the wellbeing endpoint. Each SDG target and indicator is placed within the quantitative framework, showing its role in the overall impact pathway framework. These draft chapters have been prepared Bo P. Weidema of 2.-0 LCA consultants, Denmark. This version uploaded 2021-04-06.
  • 2018-05-10 pdf The social footprint – article Article submitted to the OECD call for papers on “Measuring the Impact of Business on Well-being and Sustainability” for the topic area “Good examples of existing frameworks measuring the impact of business on well-being and sustainability" by Bo P. Weidema & Jannick Schmidt, Aalborg University & 2.-0 LCA consultants, 8 April 2018. Full title: The social footprint: Linking the global wellbeing and productivity gap to specific human production and consumption activities.