Dairy Climate Check Tool

In this project we collaborated with Arla to build the Climate Check Tool, used by farmers to assess their carbon footprint.  

The client

Arlafoods – Multinational

Our role

2.-0 LCA consultants reimplemented its predecessor (an excel tool) as a python package and extended its functionalities. This package underpins the calculations of Arla’s Climate Check Tool.

A Climate Check Tool

In a collaborative effort with Arla, we developed the underlying model for the Climate Check Tool, a practical solution that has been instrumental in assessing the carbon footprint of thousands of farmers across Europe. The new model, created through the versatile Python language, builds upon an existing model from 2016 by incorporating new, tailored functionalities and is updated every year and maintained regularly. This design offers our client full autonomy over their data and operations.

What sets this solution apart is its capacity to facilitate seamless data compliance, allowing our users to manage their environmental impact with greater confidence and accuracy. This project is representative of the type of practical, customised solutions we strive to provide to our customers, placing their unique needs and objectives at the forefront of our work.