- Climate Footprint of a Video Meeting using Jabra Panacast December 2019
This project provides a climate footprint of a video meeting using Jabra Panacast, a comparison to face-to-face meetings, and a description of the approach followed to obtain the results. The project resulted in a not publicly available report. - Additive Manufacturing – HINDCON September 2019
The aim of the work-package 6 of the HINDCON project is to perform value chain simulation and modelling with integrated LCA with life cycle data related to additive manufacturing in the construction sector. - Critical Review – Four Comparative Life Cycle Assessments of Printed and Electronic Communication November 2014
Four LCA studies that compare the environmental impact of printed communication relative to an alternative electronic communication were reviewed. The critical review also focused on pointing out issues that need to be covered in order to perform a suitable comparable study of the two communication methods. - The Socio-Economic Consequences of Environmental Advices December 2013
The project looked at the socio-economic consequences of 7 environmental advices given by the government. The purpose of the project was to investigate the value if such advices are followed by the general public and to visualize the benefits of a personal effort to the society. - Ecodesign Requirements for Televisions January 2013
The focus of this project was the implementation of the EU Directive 2005/32/EC on ecodesign requirements for energy using products (the EuP Directive) with special attention to the ecodesign requirements for televisions (TV).