Hidiroglu K, Ruzzenenti F, Merciai, S, Wang D, Hubacek K – 2024 The extent and fate of fossil carbon accumulation in our technosphere. Cell Reports Sustainability 1, 2024:100265
Roux M, Ekvall T, Schmidt J and Croxatto Vega G – 2024 Which rules to follow? How differences in renewable fuel standards obscure the potential climate impact of transportation fuels. Frontiers in Energy Research, (12)
Muñoz I, Schmidt J, Weidema B P – 2024 The indirect global warming potential of methane oxidation in the IPCC’s sixth assessment report. Environmental Research Letters 19(12):121002 (6 pages)
Astudillo MF, Krämer K, Arteaga A – 2024 Using dynamic life cycle assessment to evaluate the effects of industry digitalization: A steel case study. Journal of Industrial Ecology 28(4):631-1023
Brandão M, Weidema B P, Martin M, Cowie A, Hamelin L, Zamagni A – 2024 Consequential Life Cycle Assessment: What, Why and How? Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies (2nd edition) 1:181-189
Scherer L, Blackstone N T, Conrad Z, Fulgoni V L III, Mathers J C, van der Pols, J C, Willett W, Fantke P, Pfister S, Stylianou K S, Weidema B P, Canals L M, Jolliet O – 2024 Accounting for nutrition-related health impacts in food life cycle assessment: insights from an expert workshop. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2024) 29:953-966.
Budzinski M, Delpierre M, Rodrigues J, – 2024 bonsai_ipcc – a Python package for the calculation of national greenhouse gas inventories. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(95):6123
Hansen R N, Eliassen J L, Schmidt J, Andersen C E, Weidema B P, Birgisdóttir H, Hoxha E, – 2024 Environmental consequences of shifting to timber construction: The case of Denmark. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 46:54-67
Muñoz I, Weidema B P – 2024 Ethylene and propylene production from steam cracking in Europe: a consequential perspective. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 29:745–758
Steubing B, Mendoza Beltran A, Sacchi R – 2023 Conditions for the broad application of prospective life cycle inventory databases. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 228:1092–1103.
Madsen S T, Weidema B P – 2023 Input-output modelling for household activity-level environmental footprints: a systematic literature review. Environmental Research Letters 18(4): 043003 (17 Pages)
Weidema B P – 2023 Adjusting the social footprint methodology based on findings of subjective wellbeing research. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 28:70–79
Steubing B, de Koning A, Merciai S, Tukker A – 2022 How do carbon footprints from LCA and EEIOA databases compare?: A comparison of ecoinvent and EXIOBASE. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 26(4):1406-1422
De Rosa M, Schmidt J, Pasang H – 2022 Industry-driven mitigation measures can reduce GHG emissions of palm oil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 365:132565 (16 Pages)
Ghose A, Lissandrini M, Hansen E R, Weidema B P – 2022 A core ontology for modeling life cycle sustainability assessment on the Semantic Web. Journal of Industrial Ecology 26:731–747
Towa E, Zeller V, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Achten W M J – 2022 Toward the development of subnational hybrid input-output tables in a multiregional framework. Journal of Industrial Ecology 26(1):88-106
Almeida D T L, Weidema B P, Godin A – 2022 Beyond normative system boundaries in life cycle assessment: The environmental effect of income redistribution. Cleaner Environmental Systems 4:100072 (9 pages)
Aguilar-Hernandez G A, Deetman S, Merciai S, Rodrigues J F D, Tukker A – 2021 Global distribution of material inflows to in-use stocks in 2011 and its implications for a circularity transition. Journal of Industrial Ecology 25(6):1447-1461
Schrijvers D L, Loubet P, Weidema B P – 2021 To what extent is the Circular Footprint Formula of the Product Environmental Footprint Guide consequential? Journal of Cleaner Production 320:128800 (14 pages)
Muñoz I – 2021 Country-specific life cycle inventories for human excretion of food products. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 26:1794-1804
Font Vivanco D, Nechifor V, Freire-González J, Calzadilla A – 2021 Economy-wide rebound makes UK’s electric car subsidy fall short of expectations. Applied Energy 297:117138
Mendoza Beltran A, Scheel C N, Fitton N, Schmidt J, Kløverpris J H – 2021 Assessing life cycle environmental impacts of inoculating soybeans in Argentina with Bradyrhizobium japonicum. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 26:1570–1585
Muñiz M M, Chantin M, R C, Vintila RC, Fabritius M, Martin C, Calvo L, Poudelet L, Canou J, Uhart M, Papacharalampopoulos A, Stavropoulos P, Olsson N O E, Tenorio J A, Madrid J A, Dirrenberger J, Muñoz I – 2021 Concrete hybrid manufacturing: A machine architecture. Procedia CIRP 97:51-58
Peña C, Civit B, Gallego-Schmid A, Druckman A, Caldeira- Pires A, Weidema B, Mieras E, Wang F, Fava J, Milà i Canals L, Cordella M, Arbuckle P, Valdivia S, Fallaha S, Motta W – 2021 Using life cycle assessment to achieve a circular economy. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 26:215–220
Muñoz I, Alonso-Madrid J, Menéndez-Muñiz M, Uhart M, Canou J, Martin C, Fabritius M, Calvo L, Poudelet L, Cardona R, Lombois-Burger H, Vlasopoulos N, Bouyssou C, Dirrenberger J, Papacharalampopoulos A, Stavropoulos P – 2021 Life cycle assessment of integrated additive–subtractive concrete 3D printing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 112:2149–2159
Schmidt J, De Rosa M – 2020 Certified palm oil reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to non-certified. Journal of Cleaner Production 277:124045 (12 pages)
Muñoz I, Aktürk AS, Ayyıldız Ö, Çağlar Ö, Meabe E, Contreras S, Toscano A, Tornée V, Llopart N, San Romà C, Ferrer O, Jiménez-Banzo A – 2020 Life cycle assessment of wastewater reclamation in a petroleum refinery in Turkey. Journal of Cleaner Production, 26:121967 (11 pages)
Kløverpris J H, Nordstrøm C, Scheel C N, Schmidt J, Grant B, Smith W, Bentham M J – 2020 Assessing life cycle impacts from changes in agricultural practices of crop production. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25:1991–2007
Løkke S, Schmidt J, Lyhne I, Kørnøv L, Revsbeck R – 2020 How green are supported ‘green’ business models? Time for the life cycle approach to enter public support programmes. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25:2086–2092
Weidema B P, Stylianou K S – 2020 Nutrition in the life cycle assessment of foods – function or impact? The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25:1210-1216
Muñoz I, Soto A, Maza D, Bayón F – 2020 Life cycle assessment of refractory waste management in a Spanish steel works. Waste Management 111:1-9
Weidema B P, Brandão M – 2020 Review of three recent textbooks on LCA. Journal of Industrial Ecology 24:726-730
Laurent A, Weidema B P, Bare J, Liao X, de Souza D M , Pizzol M, Sala S, Schreiber H, Thonemann N, Verones F – 2020 Methodological review and detailed guidance for the life cycle interpretation phase. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(2):986-1003
Weidema B P, Simas M S, Schmidt J, Pizzol M, Løkke S, Brancoli P L – 2020 Relevance of attributional and consequential information for environmental product labelling. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25:900–904
Font Vivanco D – 2020 The role of services and capital in footprint modelling. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25: 280–293
Sonderegger T, Berger M, Alvarenga R, Bach V, Cimprich A, Dewulf J, Frischknecht R, Guinée J, Helbig C, Huppertz T, Jolliet O, Motoshita M, Northey S, Rugani B, Schrijvers D, Schulze R, Sonnemann G, Valero A, Weidema B P, Young S B – 2020 Mineral resources in life cycle impact assessment—part I: a critical review of existing methods. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25:784–797
Aguilar-Hernandez G A, Sigüenza-Sanchez C P, Donati F, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Rodrigues J F D, Tukker A – 2019 The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 151:104452 (9 pages)
Merciai S – 2019 An input-output model in a balanced multi-layer framework. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 150:104403
Ruzzenenti F, Vivanco D F, Galvin R, Sorrell S, Wagner A, Walnum H J – 2019 Editorial: The Rebound Effect and the Jevons’ Paradox: Beyond the Conventional Wisdom. Frontiers in Energy Research, editorial article, 10 September
Geerken T, Schmidt J, Boonen K, Christis M, Merciai S – 2019 Assessment of the potential of a circular economy in open economies – Case of Belgium. Journal of Cleaner Production 227:683-699
Rugani B, de Souza D M, Weidema B P, Bare J, Bakshi B, Grann B, Johnston J M, Pavan A L R, Liu X, L Alexis, Verones F – 2019 Towards integrating the ecosystem services cascade framework within the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) cause-effect methodology. Science of The Total Environment 690:1284-1298
Weidema B P, Pizzol M, Schmidt J, Thoma G – 2019 Social responsibility is always consequential — Rebuttal to Brander, Burritt and Christ (2019): Coupling attributional and consequential life cycle assessment: A matter of social responsibility. Journal of Cleaner Production 223:12-13
Weidema B P – 2019 Consistency check for life cycle assessments. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24(5):926-934
Beylot A, Secchia M, Cerutti A, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Salaa S – 2019 Assessing the environmental impacts of EU consumption at macro-scale. Journal of Cleaner Production 216:382-393
Vélez-Henao J A, Font Vivanco D, Hernández-Riveros J A – 2019 Technological change and the rebound effect in the STIRPAT model: A critical view. Energy Policy 129:1372-1381
Muñoz I, Portillo F, Rosiek S, Batlles F J, Martínez-Del-Río J, Acasuso I, Piergrossi V, De Sanctis M, Chimienti S, Di Iaconi C – 2019 Prospective environmental and economic assessment of solar-assisted thermal energy recovery from wastewater through a sequencing batch biofilter granular reactor. Journal of Cleaner Production 212:1300-1309
Fryda L, Visser H J M, Schmidt J – 2019 Biochar replaces peat in horticulture: Environmental impact assessment of combined biochar & bioenergy production. Detritus 5:132-149
Huppertz T, Weidema B P, Standaert S, De Caevel B, van Overbeke E – 2019 The social cost of sub-soil resource use. Resources 8(1):2-17
Bjørn A, Kalbar P, Nygaard S E, Kabins S, Jensen C L, Birkved M, Schmidt J, Hauschild M Z – 2018 Pursuing necessary reductions in embedded GHG emissions of developed nations: Will efficiency improvements and changes in consumption get us there? Global Environmental Change 52:314-324
Weidema B P, Schmidt J, Fantke P, Pauliuk S – 2018 On the boundary between economy and environment in LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23(9):1839-1846
Schulze R, Weidema B P, Schebek L, Buchert M – 2018 Recycling and its effects on joint production systems and the environment – the case of rare earth magnet recycling – Part I — Production model. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 134:336-346
Hamilton H A, Ivanova D, Stadler K, Merciai S, Schmidt J, van Zelm R, Moran D, Wood R – 2018 Trade and the role of non-food commodities for global eutrophication. Nature Sustainability 1:314–321
Muñoz I, Rodríguez C, Gillet D, Moerschbacher B M – 2018 Life cycle assessment of chitosan production in India and Europe. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23:1151–1160
Kalbar, P P, Muñoz I, Birkved M – 2018 WW LCI v2: A second-generation life cycle inventory model for chemicals discharged to wastewater systems. Science of The Total Environment 622-623:1649-1657
Weidema B P, Fantke P – 2018 Relating the Global Burden of Disease to life cycles. Procedia CIRP 69:417–422
Weidema B P – 2018 In search of a consistent solution to allocation of joint production. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(2):252-262
Weidema B P – 2018 The social footprint—a practical approach to comprehensive and consistent social LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23(3):700-709
De Rosa M – 2018 Land Use and Land-use Changes in Life Cycle Assessment: Green Modelling or Black Boxing? Ecological Economics 144:73-81
Weidema B P, Pizzol M, Schmidt J, Thoma G – 2018 Attributional or consequential Life Cycle Assessment: A matter of social responsibility. Journal of Cleaner Production 174:305–314
De Rosa M, Pizzol M, Schmidt J – 2018 How methodological choices affect LCA climate impact results: the case of structural timber. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23(1):147–158
Merciai S, Schmidt J – 2018 Methodology for the construction of global multi-regional hybrid supply and use tables for the EXIOBASE v3 database. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3):516-531
Sonderegger T, Dewulf J, Fantke P, de Souza D M, Pfister S, Stoessel F, Verones F, Vieira M, Weidema B P, Hellweg S – 2017 Towards harmonizing natural resources as an area of protection in life cycle impact assessment. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22(12):1912–1927
De Rosa M, Odgaard M V, Staunstrup J K, Knudsen M T, Hermansen J E – 2017 Identifying Land Use and Land-Use Changes (LULUC): A Global LULUC Matrix. Environmental Science & Technology 51(14):7954–7962
Weidema B P – 2017 Estimation of the size of error introduced into consequential models by using attributional background datasets. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22(8):1241-1246
Tisserant A, Pauliuk S, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Fry J, Wood R, Tukker A – 2017 Solid waste and the circular economy – a global analysis of waste treatment and waste footprints. Journal of Industrial Ecology 21(3):628–640
Pizzol M, Laurent A, Sala S, Weidema B P, Verones F and Koffler C – 2017 Normalisation and weighting in life cycle assessment: quo vadis? The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22(6):853–866
Muñoz I, Otte N, Van Hoof G, Rigarlsford G – 2017 A model and tool to calculate life cycle inventories of chemicals discharged down the drain. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22(6):986–1004
De Rosa M, Schmidt J, Brandão M, Pizzol M – 2017 A flexible parametric model for a balanced account of forest carbon fluxes in LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22:172–184
Ciroth A, Muller S, Weidema B P, Lesage P – 2016 Empirically based uncertainty factors for the pedigree matrix in ecoinvent. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21(9):1338–1348
Wernet G, Bauer C, Steubing B, Reinhard J, Moreno-Ruiz E, Weidema B – 2016 The ecoinvent database version 3 (part I): overview and methodology. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21(9):1218–1230
Muller S, Lesage P, Ciroth A, Mutel C, Weidema B P, Samson R – 2016 The application of the pedigree approach to the distributions foreseen in ecoinvent v3. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21(9):1327–1337
Sanfélix J, de la Rúa C, Schmidt J, Messagie M, van Mierlo J – 2016 Environmental and economic performance of an Li-Ion battery pack: A multiregional input-output approach. Energies 9(8):584
Muñoz I, Schmidt J – 2016 Methane oxidation, biogenic carbon, and the IPCC’s emission metrics. Proposal for a consistent greenhouse-gas accounting. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21:1069–1075
Huysman S, Schaubroeck T, Goralczyk M, Schmidt J, Dewulf J – 2016 Quantifying the environmental impacts of a European citizen through a macro-economic approach, a focus on climate change and resource consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production 124:217–225
Kjaer L L, Pagoropoulos A, Schmidt J, McAloone T C – 2016 Challenges when evaluating product/service-systems through life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production 120(1):95–104
De Rosa M, Knudsen M T, Hermansen J E – 2016 A comparison of Land Use Change models: challenges and future developments. Journal of Cleaner Production 113:183-193.
Ekvall T , Azapagic A, Finnveden G, Rydberg T, Weidema B P, Zamagni A – 2016 Attributional and consequential LCA in the ILCD Handbook. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21(3):293-296
Kjær L L, Pagoropoulosa A, Hauschild M, Birkved M, Schmidt J, McAloone T C – 2015 From LCC to LCA using a hybrid input output model – a maritime case study. Procedia CIRP 29:474–479
Moreau V, Weidema B P – 2015 The computational structure of environmental life cycle costing. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20(10):1359-1363
Janowicz K, Krisnadhi A, Hu Y, Suh S., Weidema B P, Rivela B, Tivander J, Meyer D, Berg-Cross G, Hitzler P, Ingwersen W, Kuczenski B, Vardeman C, Ju Y, and Cheatham M – 2015 A minimal ontology pattern for life cycle assessment data. 6th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP 2015)
Kjaer L L, Høst-Madsen N K, Schmidt J, McAloone T – 2015 Application of environmental input-output analysis for corporate and product environmental footprints—Learnings from three cases. Sustainability 7(9):11438-11461
Muñoz I, de Vries E, Wittebol J, Aamand J – 2015 Prospective environmental and economic assessment for biotreatment of micropollutants in drinking water resources in Denmark. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 15(6):1405-1413
Muñoz I, Schmidt J, Brandão M, Weidema B P – 2015 Rebuttal to ‘Indirect land use change (iLUC) within life cycle assessment (LCA) – scientific robustness and consistency with international standards’. GCB Bioenergy, Letter to editor 7(4):565-566
Schmidt J, Weidema B P, Brandão M – 2015 A framework for modelling indirect land use changes in life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production 99:230-238
Bidstrup M, Pizzol M, Schmidt J – 2015 Life cycle assessment in spatial planning – A procedure for addressing systemic impacts. Journal of Cleaner Production 91:136-144
Wood R, Stadler K, Bulavskaya T, Lutter S, Giljum S, de Koning A, Kuenen J, Schütz H, Acosta-Fernández J, Usubiaga A, Simas M, Ivanova O, Weinzettel J, Schmidt J, Merciai S, Tukker A – 2015 Global sustainability accounting – Developing EXIOBASE for multi-regional footprint analysis. Sustainability 7(1):138-163
Pizzol M, Weidema B P, Brandão M, Osset P – 2015 Monetary valuation in life cycle assessment: a review. Journal of Cleaner Production 86:170-179
Schmidt J – 2015 Life cycle assessment of five vegetable oils. Journal of Cleaner Production 87:130-138
Weidema B P – 2014 Comparing three life cycle impact assessment methods from an endpoint perspective. Journal of Industrial Ecology 19(1):20-26
Parajuli R, Løkke S, Østergaard P A, Knudsen M T, Schmidt J, Dalgaard T – 2014 Life cycle assessment of district heat production in a straw fired CHP plant. Biomass and Bioenergy 68:115–134
Merciai S, Heijungs R – 2014 Balance issues in monetary input-output tables. Ecological Economics 102:69-74
Weidema B P – 2014 Has ISO 14040/44 failed its role as a standard for LCA? Journal of Industrial Ecology 18(3):324-326
Sørensen C G, Halberg N, Oudshoorn F W, Petersen B M, Dalgaard R – 2014 Energy inputs and GHG emissions of tillage systems. Biosystems Engineering 120:2-14
Bundgaard A M, Dalgaard R, Gilbert C, Thrane M – 2014 Assessment of the potential of digestibility-improving enzymes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from broiler production. Journal of Cleaner Production 73:218-226
Dalgaard R, Schmidt J, Flysjö A – 2014 Generic model for calculating carbon footprint of milk using four different LCA modelling approaches. Journal of Cleaner Production 73:146-153
Habib K, Schmidt J, Christensen P – 2013 A historical perspective of Global Warming Potential from municipal solid waste management. Waste Management 33:1926-1933
Huulgaard R D, Dalgaard R, Merciai S – 2013 Ecodesign requirements for televisions – is energy consumption in the use phase the only relevant requirement? International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18(5):1098-1105
Schmidt J, Brandão M – 2013 LCA screening of biofuels – iLUC, biomass manipulation and soil carbon. This report is an appendix to a report published by the Danish green think tank CONCITO on the climate effects from biofuels: Klimapåvirkningen fra biomasse og andre energikilder, Hovedrapport (in Danish only). CONCITO, Copenhagen.
Weidema B P – 2012 New paradigm or old distance to target? Environmental Science & Technology 46(2):570
Brandão M, Levasseur A, Kirschbaum M U F, Weidema B P, Cowie A L, Joergensen S V, Hauschild M Z, Pennington D W, Chomkhamsri K – 2012 Key issues and options in accounting for carbon sequestration and temporary storage in life cycle assessment and carbon footprinting. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18 (1):230-240
Koellner T, de Baan L, Beck T, Brandão M, Civit B, Goedkoop M, Margni M, Milà i Canals L, Müller-Wenk R, Weidema B P, Wittstock B – 2012 Principles for life cycle inventories of land use on a global scale. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18 (6):1203-1215
Weidema B P – 2011 Stepping stones from life cycle assessment to adjacent assessment techniques. Journal of Industrial Ecology 15(5):658-661.
Pizzol M, Christensen P, Schmidt J, Thomsen M – 2011 Impacts of metals on human health: a comparison between nine different methodologies for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). Journal of Cleaner Production 19:646-656
Pizzol M, Christensen P, Schmidt J, Thomsen M – 2011 Eco-toxicological impact of metals on the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem: A comparison between eight different methodologies for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). Journal of Cleaner Production 19:687-698
Schmidt J – 2010 Challenges relating to data and system delimitation in Life Cycle Assessments of food products. Pp. 83-97 in Sonnesen U, Berlin J and Ziegler F (eds.): Environmental assessment and management in the food industry: Life cycle assessment and related approaches. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition No. 194. ISBN 978-1-84569-552-1.
Weidema B P – 2010 Environmental training for the food industry. Pp. 356-373 in Sonnesen U, Berlin J and Ziegler F (eds.): Environmental assessment and management in the food industry: Life cycle assessment and related approaches. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition No. 194. ISBN 978-1-84569-552-1.
Weidema B P, Schmidt J – 2010 Avoiding allocation in life cycle assessment revisited. Column for Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(2):192-195.
Suh S, Weidema B P, Schmidt J, Heijungs R – 2010 Generalized make and use framework for allocation in life cycle assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(2):335-353.
Schmidt J – 2010 Comparative life cycle assessment of rapeseed oil and palm oil. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15 (2):183-197
Lund H, Mathiesen B V, Christensen P, Schmidt J – 2010 Energy system analysis of marginal electricity supply in consequential LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15:260-271
Weidema B P – 2009 Avoiding or ignoring uncertainty. Column for Journal of Industrial Ecology 13(3):354-356.
Weidema B P, Hermansen J, Eder P – 2009 Meat and milk products in Europe: Impacts and improvements. Pp. 295-305 in Nemecek T, Gaillard G (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on LCA in the Agri-Food Sector.
Notten P, Suh S, Weidema B P – 2009 Prioritizing within the product-oriented environmental policy – the Danish perspectives. Pp. 397-415 in Suh S. (ed.): Handbook of Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology. Springer Netherlands.
Weidema B P – 2009 Using the budget constraint to monetarise impact assessment results. Ecological Economics 68(6):1591-1598.
Schmidt J, Christensen P, Christensen T S – 2009 Assessing the land use implications of biodiesel use from an LCA perspective. Journal of Land Use Science 4(1-2):35-52.
Zackrisson M, Rocha C, Christiansen K, Jarnehammar A – 2008 Stepwise environmental product declarations: ten SME case studies. Journal of Cleaner Production 16(17):1872-1886.
Schmidt J – 2008 Development of LCIA characterisation factors for land use impacts on biodiversity. Journal of Cleaner Production 16:1929-1942.
Schmidt J – 2008 System delimitation in agricultural consequential LCA – Outline of methodology and illustrative case study of wheat in Denmark. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13(4):350-365.
Dalgaard R, Schmidt J, Halberg N, Christensen P, Thrane M, Pengue W A – 2008 LCA of soybean meal. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 13(3):240-254
Thiesen J, Christensen T S, Kristensen T G, Andersen R D, Brunoe B, Gregersen T K, Thrane M, Weidema B P – 2008 Rebound effects of price differences. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13(2):104-114
Schmidt J, Weidema B P – 2008 Shift in the marginal supply of vegetable oil. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13(3):235-239
Weidema B P, Thrane M, Christensen P, Schmidt J, Løkke S – 2008 Carbon footprint. A catalyst for life cycle assessment? Journal of Industrial Ecology, 12(1):3-6
Thrane M, Schmidt J – 2007 Life Cycle Assessment. Pp. 204-239 in Kørnøv L, Thrane M, Remmen A and Lund H (eds.): “Tools for Sustainable Development”. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag. ISBN 978-87-7307-797-9.
Schmidt J, Thrane M – 2007 LCA case study of pickled herring. Pp. 241-266 in Kørnøv L, Thrane M, Remmen A and Lund H (eds.): “Tools for Sustainable Development”. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag. ISBN 978-87-7307-797-9.
Schmidt J, Holm P, Merrild A, Christensen P – 2007 Life cycle assessment of the waste hierarchy – A Danish case study on waste paper. Waste Management 27:1519-1530
Dalgaard R, Halberg N, Kristensen I S, Larsen I – 2006 Modelling representative and coherent Danish farm types based on farm accountancy data for use in environmental assessments. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 117(4):223-237.
Weidema B P, Suh S, Notten P – 2006 Setting priorities within product-oriented environmental policy: the Danish perspectives. Journal of Industrial Ecology 10(3):73-87
Finkbeiner M, Inaba A, Tan R, Christiansen K, Klüppel H-J – 2006 The new international standards for life cycle assessment: ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 11(2):80-85
Weidema B P – 2006 The integration of economic and social aspects in life cycle impact assessment. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 11(1):89-96
Norris G A – 2006 Social Impacts in Product Life Cycles – Towards Life Cycle Attribute Assessment. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 11(1):97-104
Notten P, Petrie J G – 2005 Inventory and impact assessment uncertainty in coal-based power generation. Pp. 138-42 in A Dubreuil: "Life Cycle Assessment and Metals: Issues and research directions." Pensacola: SETAC. (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Life Cycle Assessment and Metals, Montreal, Canada, 2002.04.15-17).
Weidema B P – 2005 ISO 14044 also applies to social LCA. Letter to the editor. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10(6):381
Suh S, Huppes G – 2005 Methods in Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) of a product. Journal of Cleaner Production 13(7):687-697
Mongelli I, Suh S, Huppes G – 2005 A Structure Comparison of two Approaches to LCA Inventory Data, Based on the MIET and ETH Databases. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10(5):317-324
Stewart M, Weidema B P – 2005 A consistent framework for assessing the impacts from resource use – A focus on resource functionality. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10(4):240-247
Nishioka Y, Levy J I, Norris G A, Bennett D H, Spengler J D – 2005 A risk-based approach to health impact assessment for Input-Output Analysis. Part I. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10(3-4): 193-199
Nishioka Y, Levy J I, Norris G A, Bennett D H, Spengler J D – 2005 A risk-based approach to health impact assessment for input-output analysis. Part II. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10(3-4):255-262
Heijungs R, Suh S, Kleijn R – 2005 Numerical approaches to life cycle interpretation: The case of the Ecoinvent ’96 database. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10(2):103-112
Weidema B P, Norris G A – 2004 Avoiding co-product allocation in the metals sector. Pp. 81-87 in A Dubreuil: "Life Cycle Assessment and Metals: Issues and research directions." Pensacola: SETAC. (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Life Cycle Assessment and Metals, Montreal, Canada, 2002.04.15-17). Note the error in the two formulas on p. 4: 1*11/14 --> 1*10/14 and 4*11/14 --> 4*1/14.
Nielsen A M, Nielsen P H, Jensen J D, Andersen M, Weidema B P – 2004 Identification of processes affected by a marginal change in demand for food products – two examples on Danish pigs and cheese. Pp. 127-134 in N Halberg (ed.): Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-food sector. Proceedings from 4th International Conference, 2003.10.6-8, Bygho
Suh S – 2004 Functions, commodities and environmental impacts in an ecological economic model. Ecological Economics 48(4):451-467
Jolliet O, Müller-Wenk R, Bare J, Brent A, Goedkoop M, Heijungs R, Itsubo N, Peña C, Pennington D W, Potting J, Rebitzer G, Stewart M, Udo de Haes H, Weidema B P – 2004 The LCIA midpoint-damage framework of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 9(6):394-404
Suh S, Lenzen M, Treloar G, Hondo H, Horvath A, Huppes G, Jolliet O, Klann U, Krewitt W, Moriguchi Y, Munksgaard J, Norris G A – 2004 System boundary selection for life cycle inventories using hybrid approaches. Environmental Science & Technology 38(3):657-664
Rebitzer G, Ekvall T, Fischknecht R, Hunkeler D, Norris G A, Rydberg T, Schmidt W-P, Suh S, Weidema B P, Pennington D W – 2004 Life Cycle Assessment. Part 1: Framework, goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, and applications. Environment International 30(5):701-720
Ekvall T, Weidema B P – 2004 System boundaries and input data in consequential life cycle inventory analysis. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 9(3):161-171
Udo de Haes H, Heijungs R, Suh S, Huppes G – 2004 Three strategies to overcome the limitations of LCA. Journal of Industrial Ecology 8(3):19-32
Suh S – 2004 A note on the calculus for physical Input-Output analysis and its application to land appropriation of international trade activities. Ecological Economics 48(1):9-17
Weidema B P – 2003 Environmental training for the food industry. Chapter 15 in Mattsson B, Sonesson U: Environmentally-friendly food processing. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing and CRC Press
Hofstetter P, Norris G A – 2003 Why and how should we assess occupational health impacts in integrated product policy. Environmental Science and Technology 37(10):2025-2035
Rebitzer G, Köhler A, Suh S, Klöpffer W, Jolliet O, Saur K – 2003 Theory and practical implementation of life cycle assessment. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 8(4):235-240
Norris G A, Segal J – 2002 Life cycle sustainable development: an extension of the product life cycle assessment framework to address questions of sustainable consumption and development. Pp. 193-205 in Hertwich E. (ed.): "Life-cycle approaches to sustainable consumption. Workshop proceedings." International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 2002-11-22
Norris G A – 2002 Life cycle emission distributions within the economy: implications for life cycle impact assessment. Risk Analysis 22(5):919-930
Nishioka Y, Levy J I, Norris G A, Wilson A, Hofstetter P, Spengler J D – 2002 Integrating risk assessment and life cycle assessment: A case study of insulation. Risk Analysis 22(5):1003 - 1017
Norris G A – 2002 Impact characterization in the tool for the reduction and assessment of chemical and other environmental impacts: Methods for acidification, eutrophication, and ozone formation. Journal of Industrial Ecology 6(3&4):79-101
Hansen Y, Notten P, Petrie J G – 2002 The environmental impact of ash management in coal-based power generation. Applied Geochemistry 17(8):1131-1141
Suh S, Huppes G – 2002 Missing inventory estimation tool using extended input-output analysis. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 7(3):134-140
Norris G A, Della Croce F, Jolliet O – 2002 Energy burdens of conventional wholesale and retail portions of product life cycles. Journal of Industrial Ecology 6(2):59-69
Weidema B P – 2001 Areas of protection and the impact chain. Gate to EHS: Global LCA village. March 2002 p. 1-3. This paper is a contribution to a debate in the SETAC-Europe Working Group on impact assessment, which is fully documented in W. Klöpffer: The Areas of Protection Debate. See also the above paper on land use, which was the context in which some of these ideas were developed.
Seppälä J, Basson L, Norris G A – 2001 Decision analysis frameworks for life-cycle impact assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology 5(4):45-68
Norris G A – 2001 Integrating economic analysis into LCA. Environmental Quality Management 10(3): 59-64
Norris G A, Yost P – 2001 A transparent, interactive software environment for communicating Life-Cycle Assessment results: An application to residential windows. Journal of Industrial Ecology 5(4):15-28
Huijbregts M, Norris G A, Bretz R, Ciroth A, Maurice B, von Bahr B, Weidema B P, de Beaufort A S H – 2001 Framework for modeling data uncertainty in life cycle inventories. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 6(3):127-132
Weidema B P – 2001 Avoiding co-product allocation in life-cycle assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology 4(3):11-33. Also see the addendum containing a further simplification of the presented rules for avoiding allocation.
Norris G A – 2001 Integrating life cycle cost analysis and LCA. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 6(2):118-120
Norris G A – 2001 The requirement for congruence in normalisation. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 6(2):85-88
Weidema B P – 2000 Avoiding co-product allocation in a simplified hypothetical refinery. Section, pp. 36-41 in Part 2b: Operational annex of J B Guinée, M Gorrée, R Heijungs, G Huppes, R Kleijn, A de Koning, L van Oers, A W Sleeswijk, S Suh, H A Udo de Haes, H de Bruijn, R van Duin, M A J Huijbregts, E Lindeijer, A A H Roorda, B L van der Ven, B P Weidema (2001): LCA - An operational guide to the ISO standard. Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science Leiden University
Pennington D W, Norris G A, Hoagland T, Bare J – 2000 Environmental comparison metrics for life cycle impact assessment and process design. Environmental Progress 19(2): 83-91
Pesonen H-L, Ekvall T, Fleischer G, Huppes G, Jahn C, Klos Z S, Rebitzer G, Sonnemann G, Tintinelli A, Weidema B P, Wenzel H – 2000 Framework for scenario development in LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 5(1):21-30
Weidema B P – 1999 A reply to the aluminium industry: Each market has its own marginal. Letter to the Editor responding to previously published article on Marginal production technologies for LCI's. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 4(6):309-310
Weidema B P, Frees N, Nielsen A M – 1999 Marginal production technologies for life cycle inventories. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 4(1):48-56
Weidema B P – 1998 Multi-user test of the Data Quality Matrix for product life cycle inventory. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 3(5):259-265
Weidema B P – 1998 Application typologies for life cycle assessment – A review. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 3(4):237- 240
Singhofen A, Hemming C, Weidema B P, Grisel L, Bretz R, de Smet B, Russell D – 1996 Life cycle inventory data: Development of a common format. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 1(3):171-178
Weidema B P, Wesnæs M – 1996 Data quality management for life cycle inventories – an example of using data quality indicators. Journal of Cleaner Production 4(3-4):167-174
Weidema B P – 1995 Life cycle screenings of two food products. Cleaner Technologies and Cleaner Products for Sustainable Development, NATO ASI Series 2:53-64