The objective of the FORWAST project was to forecasts the material stocks, waste amounts and related environmental impacts in EU-27 for the following 25 years under different scenarios of waste prevention, waste treatment and recycling.

The client

EU’s Sixth Framework Programme – European Union


Our role

2.-0 LCA consultants provided the technical management of the project and developed a novel mass-balancing model for calculating material stocks, waste quantities and environmental indicators based on detailed environmentally extended economic and physical input-output matrices (IO-tables) based on the national accounting systems and other statistics. Project completed November 2009.

Forecasting with Forwast

This EU research project combined historical resource statistics, production and trade statistics, monetary and physical input-output tables, material intensity and material composition data, stock change and product lifetime data, and emissions data for different waste management options. The project involved substantial data mining and the creation of a multi-material, physical input-output database for EU-27.

Database access

The FORWAST database is currently available in the following formats:
– as a SimaPro database:  EU and DK Input Output library.
– as a BW2Package: download here (zip-file). This version was processed by Chris Mutel for easy import into Brightway2. An excel file keeping track of the changes is available for download here.