EXIOBASE Update Project

The project aims at funding an update to the hybrid tables of EXIOBASE, which in its hybrid version provides the most detailed and physically balanced global multi-regional Input-Output LCA database available.

The client

Crowdfunded project

Our role

This initiative to update the hybrid version of EXIOBASE was initiated in 2020 by 2.-0 LCA consultants.

Background and scope

The comprehensive global multi-regional input-output database EXIOBASE database is ideal for corporate, sectoral, national and global footprinting. Furthermore, the database can be used as a background database for detailed LCAs as well as for mass flow analysis of regions and countries as part of circular economy analyses. Other uses include life cycle costing, social LCA etc.

Currently, EXIOBASE 3 has a fully-fledged version in hybrid units with accounting for most commodities in physical units and fully mass-balanced accounts that also provide estimates on waste generation and treatments/recycling. The current hybrid version of EXIOBASE uses 2011 as base year and therefore, there is a need for updating to a more recent year. Through the EXIOBASE Hybrid Update Club, this project will provide such an update.

The solution and the benefits

This project is initiated by 2.-0 LCA Consultants, who led the development of the hybrid work in EXIOBASE as a member of the EXIOBASE consortium. At the moment, the hybrid update project does not involve other consortium members but builds upon the work of others in the consortium. As such, the update project will stand on the shoulders of hundreds of person-months delivered by the EXIOBASE partners. The current publicly available version of EXIOBASE (version 3) is an outcome of several projects funded under EU’s 6th and 7th Framework programmes:

All the material developed as part of this crowdfunded project will be made available to the public, and published on Zenondo here: https://zenodo.org/records/13449634

Currently, the following materials have been published:

  • GHG intensities for products: cradle-to-gate (producing activities) and cradle-to-market (market activities), EXIOBASE-hybrid v3.8-beta2
  • SimaPro database: EXIOBASE-hybrid v3.8-beta1
  • Hybrid IO model: EXIOBASE-hybrid v3.8-beta2

EXIOBASE v3 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

As a member of the crowdfunded project, you will contribute to the development of EXIOBASE-hybrid update.

  • You will be notified on all updates, when they are expected to be published.
  • You can influence which parts of the EXIOBASE-hybrid database to be improved.

EXIOBASE methods and materials

If you want to learn more about the current EXIOBASE 3 and the hybrid version, you can access this free one-hour webinar recorded on 18th September 2019.

Below, we have listed a number of selected publications:

  • Stadler K, Wood R, Bulavskaya T, Södersten CJ, Simas M, Schmidt, S, Usubiaga A, Acosta-Fernández J, Kuenen J, Bruckner M, Giljum S, Lutter S, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Theurl MC, Plutzar C, Kastner T, Eisenmenger N, Erb KH, de Koning A, Tukker A (2018). EXIOBASE 3: Developing a time series of detailed environmentally extended multi-regional input-output tables. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3):502-515 http://lca-net.com/p/2956
  • Merciai S, Schmidt J (2018). Methodology for the construction of global multi-regional hybrid supply and use tables for the EXIOBASE v3 database. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3):516-531 http://lca-net.com/p/2949
  • Schmidt J, Merciai S (2017). Physical/hybrid supply and use tables – methodological report. Report from DESIRE – a FP7 project http://lca-net.com/p/2664
  • Stadler K, Wood R, Simas M, Bulavskaya T, Kuenen J, Fernández J A, Usubiaga A, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Theurl M C, Kastner T, Eisenmenger N, Giljum S, Lutter S, Lieber M, Wieland H, Tukker A (2015). D5.3 Integrated report on EE IO related macro resource indicator time series. Public deliverable from the DESIRE project. With contributions from project partners incl. Jannick Schmidt and Stefano Merciai, from 2.-0 LCA consultants. http://lca-net.com/p/2652
  • Wood R, Stadler, K, Bulavskaya T, Lutter S, Giljum S, de Koning A, Kuenen J, Schütz H, Acosta-Fernández J, Usubiaga A, Simas M, Ivanova O, Weinzettel J, Schmidt J, Merciai S, Tukker A (2015). Global sustainability accounting-developing EXIOBASE for multi-regional footprint analysis. Sustainability (Switzerland) 7, 138-163.
  • Merciai S, Schmidt J, Dalgaard R, Giljum S, Lutter S, Usubiaga A, Acosta J, Schütz H, Wittmer D, Delahaye R (2014). CREEA report: Report and data. Deliverable 4.2 of the EU FP7 project CREEA http://lca-net.com/p/1715
  • Schmidt J (2014). Full integration of LCA with other assessment tools – new application areas and harmonized modelling approaches. Presentation for SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, 11.- May 2014 http://lca-net.com/p/1260
  • Wood R, Hawkins T R, Hertwich E G, Tukker A (2014) Harmonising National Input—Output Tables For Consumption-Based Accounting — Experiences From EXIOPOL. Economic Systems Research 26:387-409.
  • Tukker A, Koning A D, Wood R, Hawkins T, Lutter S, Acosta J, Rueda Cantuche J M, Bouwmeester M, Oosterhaven J, Dosdrowski T, Kuenen J, (2013). EXIOPOL – Development and Illustrative Analyses of a Detailed Global MR EE SUT/IOT. Economic Systems Research 25.
  • Schmidt J, Merciai S, Delahaye R, Vuik J, Heijungs R, de Koning A, Sahoo A (2012). CREEA report: Recommendation of terminology, classification, framework of waste accounts and MFA, and data collection guideline. Deliverable 4.1 of the EU FP7-project CREEA http://lca-net.com/p/963
  • Suh S, Weidema B P, Schmidt J, Heijungs R (2010). Generalized make and use framework for allocation in life cycle assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(2):335 http://lca-net.com/p/200
  • Schmidt J (2010). FORWAST: Documentation of the data consolidation, calibration, and scenario parameterisation. Deliverable 6-1 of the EU FP6-project FORWAST. http://forwast.brgm.fr/. http://lca-net.com/p/203
  • Schmidt J (2010). FORWAST: 25 year forecast of physical stocks, waste, and environmental impact of 9 scenarios. Deliverable 6-2 of the EU FP6-project FORWAST. http://forwast.brgm.fr/. http://lca-net.com/p/204
  • Schmidt J (2010). FORWAST: Contribution analysis, uncertainty assessment, and policy recommendation. Deliverable 6-3 of the EU FP6-project FORWAST. http://forwast.brgm.fr/. http://lca-net.com/p/205
  • Schmidt J, Weidema B P, Suh S (2010). FORWAST: Documentation of the final model used for the scenario analyses. Deliverable 6-4 of the EU FP6-project FORWAST. http://forwast.brgm.fr/. http://lca-net.com/p/206

Examples of work based on EXIOBASE

  • Aguilar-Hernandez G A, Sigüenza-Sanchez C P, Donati F, Merciai S, Schmidt J. Rodrigues J F D, Tukker A (2019). The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 151, early on-line view http://lca-net.com/p/3422
  • Merciai S (2019). An input-output model in a balanced multi-layer framework. Resources, conservation and Recycling 150, early on-line view http://lca-net.com/p/3419
  • Geerken T, Schmidt J, Boonen K, Christis M, Merciai S (2019). Assessment of the potential of a circular economy in open economies – Case of Belgium. Journal of Cleaner Production 227:683-699 http://lca-net.com/p/3309
  • Beylot A, Secchia M, Cerutti A, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Salaa S (2019). Assessing the environmental impacts of EU consumption at macro-scale. Journal of Cleaner Production 216:382-393 http://lca-net.com/p/3307
  • Wood R, Stadler K, Simas M, Bulavskaya T, Giljum S, Lutter S, Tukker A (2018). Growth in Environmental Footprints and Environmental Impacts Embodied in Trade: Resource Efficiency Indicators from EXIOBASE3. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22, 553-564.
  • Bjørn A, Kalbar P, Nygaard S E, Kabins S, Jensen C L, Birkved M, Schmidt J, Hauschild M Z (2018). Pursuing necessary reductions in embedded GHG emissions of developed nations: Will efficiency improvements and changes in consumption get us there? Global Environmental Change 52:314-324 http://lca-net.com/p/3134
  • Hamilton H A, Ivanova D, Stadler K, Merciai S, Schmidt J, van Zelm R, Moran D, Wood R (2018). Trade and the role of non-food commodities for global eutrophication. Nature Sustainability 1:314-321 http://lca-net.com/p/3076
  • Schmidt J, De Rosa M (2018). Enhancing Land Use Change modelling with IO data. Presentation at the SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Rome 13-17 May 2018. http://lca-net.com/p/3036
  • Tisserant A, Pauliuk S, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Fry J, Wood R, Tukker A (2017). Solid waste and the circular economy – a global analysis of waste treatment and waste footprints. Journal of Industrial Ecology 21(3):628–640 http://lca-net.com/p/2671
  • Huysman S, Schaubroeck T, Goralczyk M, Schmidt J, Dewulf J (2016). Quantifying the environmental impacts of a European citizen through a macro-economic approach, a focus on climate change and resource consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production 124:217–225 http://lca-net.com/p/2185
  • Tukker A, Bulavskaya T, Giljum S, de Koning A, Lutter S, Simas M, Stadler K, Wood R (2015). The global resource footprint of nations. The CREEA Booklet http://lca-net.com/p/1859
  • Tukker A, Bulavskaya T, Giljum S, de Koning A, Lutter S, Simas M, Stadler K, Wood R (2016). Environmental and resource footprints in a global context: Europe’s structural deficit in resource endowments. Global Environ. Change 40, 171-181.
  • Ivanova D, Stadler K, Steen-Olsen K, Wood R, Vita G, Tukker A, Hertwich E G (2015). Environmental Impact Assessment of Household Consumption. Journal of Industrial Ecology 20, 526-536.
  • Schmidt J, Muñoz I (2014). The carbon footprint of Danish production and consumption – Literature review and model calculations. Danish Energy Agency, Copenhagen http://lca-net.com/p/961


NTNU: Currently, there is a monetary version of EXIOBASE for the years 1995-2022 published by NTNU (see https://zenodo.org/records/5589597 for more info). The time-series referred to in the above publications are based on nowcasted data from 2011. The monetary version has a range of environmental extensions provided by partners, including Vienna University (material accounts to 2013), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (land use to 2015), and Arkaitz Usubiaga of UCL (energy and fuel combustion emissions to 2015) and estimated updates of all greenhouse gas emission data to 2018-2019 (NTNU). The monetary tables are a fundamental prerequisite for updating of the hybrid version of EXIOBASE. Therefore, thanks to NTNU, this work will feed into the current update project, where we produce an update of the hybrid version of EXIOBASE. For further information and updates of the monetary tables, please contact Richard Wood, wood@ntnu.no.

For club membership (or questions), please contact us. To go to the club click here.