Stefano Merciai got an university degree in Statistics in 2005 and a PhD in Economic Statistics in the 2010 both at University of Rome “Sapienza”. His main area of interest relates to Input-Output tables’ applications. In the PhD thesis, he developed a methodology to analyze simultaneously physical and economic levels in order to address sustainability targets and scenarios. How to develop interdisciplinary tools is actually his main concern. Other areas of expertise regard economic analysis of agricultural market, development and implementation of computed general equilibrium models, drawing of questionnaires for surveys and interconnection of databases.
Contributed publications
Hidiroglu K, Ruzzenenti F, Merciai, S, Wang D, Hubacek K – 2024 The extent and fate of fossil carbon accumulation in our technosphere. Cell Reports Sustainability 1, 2024:100265
Schmidt J, Merciai S – 2023 Technical report: GHG emissions from Danish consumption 2016 ‐ causal link between consumption and GHG emissions. CONCITO, Denmark
Steubing B, de Koning A, Merciai S, Tukker A – 2022 How do carbon footprints from LCA and EEIOA databases compare?: A comparison of ecoinvent and EXIOBASE. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 26(4):1406-1422
Towa E, Zeller V, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Achten W M J – 2022 Toward the development of subnational hybrid input-output tables in a multiregional framework. Journal of Industrial Ecology 26(1):88-106
Aguilar-Hernandez G A, Deetman S, Merciai S, Rodrigues J F D, Tukker A – 2021 Global distribution of material inflows to in-use stocks in 2011 and its implications for a circularity transition. Journal of Industrial Ecology 25(6):1447-1461
Schmidt J, Merciai S, Muñoz I, De Rosa M, Astudillo M F – 2021 Methodology report – The Big Climate Database. Published by CONCITO
Schmidt J, Astudillo M, Merciai S og Trolle T S – 2020 Cirkulær Økonomi i Nordjylland – opgørelse af massestrømme og LCA resultater. Denne rapport er udarbejdet for Netværk for Bæredygtig Erhvervsudvikling (NBE), Aalborg Kommune af 2.-0 LCA consultants juni 2019 til december 2020.
Aguilar-Hernandez G A, Sigüenza-Sanchez C P, Donati F, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Rodrigues J F D, Tukker A – 2019 The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 151:104452 (9 pages)
Merciai S – 2019 An input-output model in a balanced multi-layer framework. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 150:104403
Geerken T, Schmidt J, Boonen K, Christis M, Merciai S – 2019 Assessment of the potential of a circular economy in open economies – Case of Belgium. Journal of Cleaner Production 227:683-699
Beylot A, Secchia M, Cerutti A, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Salaa S – 2019 Assessing the environmental impacts of EU consumption at macro-scale. Journal of Cleaner Production 216:382-393
Hamilton H A, Ivanova D, Stadler K, Merciai S, Schmidt J, van Zelm R, Moran D, Wood R – 2018 Trade and the role of non-food commodities for global eutrophication. Nature Sustainability 1:314–321
Stadler K, Wood R, Bulavskaya T, Södersten C J, Simas M, Schmidt S, Usubiaga A, Acosta-Fernández J, Kuenen J, Bruckner M, Giljum S, Lutter S, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Theurl M C, Plutzar C, Kastner T, Eisenmenger N, Erb K H, de Koning A, Tukker A – 2018 EXIOBASE 3: Developing a time series of detailed environmentally extended multi-regional input-output tables. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3):502-515
Merciai S, Schmidt J – 2018 Methodology for the construction of global multi-regional hybrid supply and use tables for the EXIOBASE v3 database. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3):516-531
Merciai S and Schmidt J – 2017 Land use change and electricity models in a multi-regional hybrid input output framework. Paper 25th IIOA Conference in Atlantic City, 19-23 June 2017, USA.
Tisserant A, Pauliuk S, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Fry J, Wood R, Tukker A – 2017 Solid waste and the circular economy – a global analysis of waste treatment and waste footprints. Journal of Industrial Ecology 21(3):628–640
Schmidt J, Merciai S – 2017 Physical/hybrid supply and use tables – methodological report. Report from DESIRE - a FP7 project
van Bree T, Slob A (eds.) – 2016 D10.2 Final report with indicator framework, indicator set and implementation roadmap. Public deliverable from the DESIRE project. With contributions from project partners incl. Jannick Schmidt and Stefano Merciai, from 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Muñoz I, Schmidt J, de Saxcé M, Dalgaard R, Merciai S – 2015 Inventory of country specific electricity in LCA – consequential scenarios. Version 3.0. Report of the 2.-0 LCA Energy Club. 2.-0 LCA consultants, Aalborg
Stadler K, Wood R, Simas M, Bulavskaya T, Kuenen J, Fernández J A, Usubiaga A, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Theurl M C, Kastner T, Eisenmenger N, Giljum S, Lutter S, Lieber M, Wieland H, Tukker A – 2015 D5.3 Integrated report on EE IO related macro resource indicator time series. Public deliverable from the DESIRE project. With contributions from project partners incl. Jannick Schmidt and Stefano Merciai, from 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Wood R, Stadler K, Bulavskaya T, Lutter S, Giljum S, de Koning A, Kuenen J, Schütz H, Acosta-Fernández J, Usubiaga A, Simas M, Ivanova O, Weinzettel J, Schmidt J, Merciai S, Tukker A – 2015 Global sustainability accounting – Developing EXIOBASE for multi-regional footprint analysis. Sustainability 7(1):138-163
Merciai S, Schmidt J, Dalgaard R, Giljum S, Lutter S, Usubiaga A, Acosta J, Schütz H, Wittmer D, Delahaye R – 2014 CREEA report: Report and data. Deliverable 4.2 of the EU FP7 project CREEA
Verberk M, Delahaye R, Merciai S – 2014 CREEA report: Calculating standardized waste tables for The Netherlands. Deliverable 4.3 of the EU FP7 project CREEA
Schmidt J, Merciai S – 2014 Life cycle assessment of the global food consumption. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference LCA of Food San Francisco, USA 8-10 October 2014
Stadler K, Wood R, Bulavskaya T, Kuenen J, Eisenmenger N, Theurl M C, de Koning A, Giljum S, Lutter S, Wieland H, Usubiaga A, Fernández J A, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Tukker A – 2014 D5.2 Interim report on data processing creating EE IO time series and now-casted data. Public deliverable from the DESIRE project. With contributions from project partners incl. Jannick Schmidt and Stefano Merciai, from 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Merciai S, Heijungs R – 2014 Balance issues in monetary input-output tables. Ecological Economics 102:69-74
Huulgaard R D, Dalgaard R, Merciai S – 2013 Ecodesign requirements for televisions – is energy consumption in the use phase the only relevant requirement? International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18(5):1098-1105
Schmidt J, Merciai S, Delahaye R, Vuik J, Heijungs R, de Koning A, Sahoo A – 2012 CREEA report: Recommendation of terminology, classification, framework of waste accounts and MFA, and data collection guideline. Deliverable 4.1 of the EU FP7-project CREEA
Schmidt J, Merciai S, Thrane M, Dalgaard R – 2011 Inventory of country specific electricity in LCA – Consequential and attributional scenarios. Methodology report v2. 2.-0 LCA consultants, Aalborg, Denmark.
Merciai S, Schmidt J, Dalgaard R – 2011 Inventory of country specific electricity in LCA – India. 2.-0 LCA consultants, Aalborg, Denmark.