D5.2 Interim report on data processing creating EE IO time series and now-casted data
Stadler K, Wood R, Bulavskaya T, Kuenen J, Eisenmenger N, Theurl M C, de Koning A, Giljum S, Lutter S, Wieland H, Usubiaga A, Fernández J A, Merciai S, Schmidt J, Tukker A (2014)
Publication info
Public deliverable from the DESIRE project. With contributions from project partners incl. Jannick Schmidt and Stefano Merciai, from 2.-0 LCA consultants.
Executive Summary
Work package 5 (WP5) aims to compile an Environmentally-Extended Multi-Regional Input–Output database (EEMRIO) time series and calculate ‘macro resource indicators’ based on this database. In order to do so, the following tasks have to be accomplished:
- Specify EE IO related ‘macro resource’ indicators including tentative natural targets/constraints
- Systematically use and expand Multi-regional Environmentally Extended InputOutput data to time series as a basis for indicator calculation.
- Create now-casted EE IO data
- Calculate EE IO based ‘macro resource’ indicators
This interim report focus on the compilation task 2 and describes the initial data gathering done for task 3. It is based on the previous report D 5.1 (inception report).
This report includes a description of how required data is obtained, refined and applied it to build the first MRIO time series. The report outlines methods to incorporate information about changing product and industry ouput as well as structural changes in the economy.
Following the plans described in D 5.1. a macro economic database was compiled which is used as overall constrain for all further economic modelling. This and data from the previous fp7 project CREEA was used to compile the first time series of monetary supply use tables. The final time series will include trade data and information about structural change within the domestic economies over time. The data compilation and refining process for this task is on track.
EXIOBASE includes various macro resource accounts (“environmental extensions” or “satellite accounts”). At the end of this workpackage, all these data will be gathered from the different groups and save in the EXIOBASE database. Multiple testing routines were developed to ensure consistency among the different datasets.
Time lags of several year hinders the use of MRIOs for policy making. DESIRE will explore options for now-casting the EEIO database and indicator results. We investigated several possibilities and data sources to do so and report on the outcome of this process.
In addition to monetary tables, physical IO time series data will be calculated. The procedure will be slightly different from that already developed for the EXIOBASE 2/CREEA since time series allows a better modelling of the production of waste from accumulated materials.
Several datasets have been compiled during the last month of the project. These have been distributed among all working group partners through the data sharing facility provided by TNO (sharepoint).