CREEA report: Calculating standardized waste tables for The Netherlands

Verberk M, Delahaye R, Merciai S (2014)

Publication info

Deliverable 4.3 of the EU FP7 project CREEA

Summary of report

This deliverable described the compilation of CREEA based waste accounts for the Netherlands. A comparison is also made with the Dutch waste accounts that are regularly compiled as part of the Dutch environmental accounting program.

This draft report contains the description of Task 4.3: Compilation of standardized waste tables. Based on the framework in Task 4.1 and the data collection and calculations in Task 4.2, standardized waste tables for the Netherlands are developed in this Task 4.3. These tables show the supply and use (industries according to the NACE classification, households, imports, exports and flows to the environment) of all solid waste flows including dry matter
in waste water of an economy.

In this task waste tables will be developed following the procedure that is followed as part of the PSUT (see task 4.2). Also, Statistics Netherlands has filled the tables with data available from National statistics, based on registrations, in order to be able to compare and assess the results obtained in Task 4.2.
This may provide on the one hand a quality assurance of the CREEA results, but on the other hand may also be used to further improve the Dutch waste accounts.


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