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Weidema B P, Christiansen K, Nielsen A M, Norris G A, Notten P, Suh S, Madsen J – 2005 Prioritisation within the integrated product policy. Environmental project no. 980. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
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Hofstetter P, Norris G A – 2003 Why and how should we assess occupational health impacts in integrated product policy. Environmental Science and Technology 37(10):2025-2035
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Norris G A, Segal J – 2002 Life cycle sustainable development: an extension of the product life cycle assessment framework to address questions of sustainable consumption and development. Pp. 193-205 in Hertwich E. (ed.): "Life-cycle approaches to sustainable consumption. Workshop proceedings." International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 2002-11-22
Norris G A – 2002 Life cycle emission distributions within the economy: implications for life cycle impact assessment. Risk Analysis 22(5):919-930
Nishioka Y, Levy J I, Norris G A, Wilson A, Hofstetter P, Spengler J D – 2002 Integrating risk assessment and life cycle assessment: A case study of insulation. Risk Analysis 22(5):1003 - 1017
Norris G A – 2002 Impact characterization in the tool for the reduction and assessment of chemical and other environmental impacts: Methods for acidification, eutrophication, and ozone formation. Journal of Industrial Ecology 6(3&4):79-101
Norris G A, Della Croce F, Jolliet O – 2002 Energy burdens of conventional wholesale and retail portions of product life cycles. Journal of Industrial Ecology 6(2):59-69
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Norris G A – 2001 Integrating economic analysis into LCA. Environmental Quality Management 10(3): 59-64
Norris G A – 2001 Estimating the value of a life cycle assessment. Pp. 157-162 in proceedings of 1st International conference on life cycle management - LCM2001, Copenhagen, 2001.08.26-29
Norris G A, Yost P – 2001 A transparent, interactive software environment for communicating Life-Cycle Assessment results: An application to residential windows. Journal of Industrial Ecology 5(4):15-28
Huijbregts M, Norris G A, Bretz R, Ciroth A, Maurice B, von Bahr B, Weidema B P, de Beaufort A S H – 2001 Framework for modeling data uncertainty in life cycle inventories. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 6(3):127-132
Norris G A – 2001 Integrating life cycle cost analysis and LCA. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 6(2):118-120
Norris G A – 2001 The requirement for congruence in normalisation. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 6(2):85-88
Norris G A – 2000 Life cycle emission distributions within the economy — implications for applying risk assessment. Presentation for Society for Risk Analysis 2000 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 2000.12.03-06
Nishioka Y, Levy J I, Hofstetter P, Norris G A, Wilson A, Spengler J D – 2000 Regional health effects of demand-side energy management using exposure efficiency. Pp. 209-212 in the proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Eco Balance, Tsukuba, 2000.10.31-11.02. Also available in Japanese
Nishioka Y, Hofstetter P, Levy J I, Norris G A, Spengler J D – 2000 Estimating the Public Health Benefits of Increased Residential Insulation: A Risk Assessment/Life Cycle Assessment Approach. Presentation for Society for Risk Analysis 2000 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 2000.12.03-06
Norris G A – 2000 Advances in normalization and weighting for North American LCA. Presentation for the International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment: Tools for Sustainability, Washington D C, 2000.04.25-27
Norris G A, Fisk III P, Mclennan J – 2000 Key inputs and leverage to green construction projects. In proceedings of SB2000. Order: Aeneas Technical Publishers, tel: (+31) 499 335833; fax: (+31) 499 335830
Pennington D W, Norris G A, Hoagland T, Bare J – 2000 Environmental comparison metrics for life cycle impact assessment and process design. Environmental Progress 19(2): 83-91
Marshall H E, Norris G A – 1996 Multiattribute decision analysis method for evaluating buildings and building systems. Washington DC: National Institute of Standards & Technology. Publication no. PB96-158670. Available for USD 84 (+ USD 8 for airmail) on supply of credit card details and complete shipping address to fax no. +1 703 605 6900 or by e-mail to Mildred Johnson at NIST