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Weidema B P, Ekvall T, Heijungs R – 2009 Guidelines for applications of deepened and broadened LCA. Deliverable D18 of work package 5 of the CALCAS project.
Weidema B P, Ekvall T, Pesonen H-L, Rebitzer G, Sonnemann G, Spielmann M – 2004 Scenarios in life-cycle assessment. Edited by G Rebitzer & T Ekvall. Pensacola: SETAC.
Rebitzer G, Ekvall T, Fischknecht R, Hunkeler D, Norris G A, Rydberg T, Schmidt W-P, Suh S, Weidema B P, Pennington D W – 2004 Life Cycle Assessment. Part 1: Framework, goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, and applications. Environment International 30(5):701-720
Ekvall T, Weidema B P – 2004 System boundaries and input data in consequential life cycle inventory analysis. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 9(3):161-171
Pesonen H-L, Ekvall T, Fleischer G, Huppes G, Jahn C, Klos Z S, Rebitzer G, Sonnemann G, Tintinelli A, Weidema B P, Wenzel H – 2000 Framework for scenario development in LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 5(1):21-30
Ekvall T, Person L, Ryberg A, Widheden J, Frees N, Nielsen P H, Weidema B P, Wesnæs M – 1998 Life cycle assessment on packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Main report. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental Project 399)
Ryberg A, Ekvall T, Person L, Weidema B P – 1998 Life cycle assessment on packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Aluminium cans. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental Project 402)
Person L, Ekvall T, Weidema B P – 1998 Life cycle assessment on packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Disposable PET bottles. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental Project 405)
Person L, Ekvall T, Weidema B P – 1998 Life cycle assessment on packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Refillable PET bottles. Copenhagen: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. (Environmental Project 404)