Kjær L L, Pagoropoulosa A, Hauschild M, Birkved M, Schmidt J, McAloone T C – 2015 From LCC to LCA using a hybrid input output model – a maritime case study. Procedia CIRP 29:474–479
Christiansen K, Weidema B P, Hauschild M – 2009 Livscyklusvurderinger – en kommenteret oversættelse af ISO 14040 og 14044. Charlottenlund: Dansk Standard. (DS-Håndbog 126:2009).
Weidema B P, Hauschild M, Jolliet O – 2007 Preparing characterisation methods for endpoint impact assessment. Published as Annex II of the report: "Environmental improvement potentials of meat and dairy products". Together with the publication "Using the budget constraint to monetarise impact assessment results", this publication provides a complete presentation of our Stepwise2006 impact assessment method. The Stepwise package contains both articles and a CSV-file for direct import of the method into the SimaPro LCA software.
Jerlang J, Christiansen K, Weidema B P, Jensen A A, Hauschild M – 2001 Livscyklusvurderinger – en kommenteret oversættelse af ISO 14040 til 14043. Charlottenlund: Dansk Standard. (DS-Håndbog 126:2001). ISBN 87-7310-270-9
Mortensen B, Hauschild M, Weidema B P, Nielsen P, Schmidt A, Christensen B H – 1997 Livscyklusvurdering af produkter baseret på fornybare råvarer. Lyngby: Instituttet for Produktudvikling. Sælges ved henvendelse til cm@ipl.dtu.dk