Webinar on iLUC model

Did you know that LUC emissions account for more than 10% of global GHG? Learn how to connect these emissions to their drivers.

More than 20 universities and companies have joined our iLUC initiative to address this question.

This free webinar will introduce you to the results of our crowdfunded project on indirect land use impacts. The project started in 2011 and we have developed a methodology that is both science-based, robust, and tested in a large number of LCAs.

The webinar will answer the following questions:

  • How large is the impact from indirect land use in a typical LCA of biobased materials?
  • Why is land use emissions most often missing in LCA?
  • How do the global markets for land and crops work?
  • How can we have a consistent approach that works for crops, livestock, forestry, urban settlement, mining and infrastructure – and in all countries in the world?
  • How do we make use of GIS and satellite data in our model?
  • How can we expand iLUC to cover also biodiversity impacts and respiratory effects from forest fires?
  • And can we even use the method to quantify the off-setting from nature conservation?

We will give you a brief introduction to iLUC modelling methods and a wide variety of application examples since 2011.

The applications range from very local LCAs of farm-level cultivation of animal feed to economy-wide implementation of the model in the multi-regional IO model Exiobase.

Moderator and project leader Jannick Schmidt

Scientific expert Michele De Rosa


We look forward to meeting you!


Register by email:

Our iLUC initiative has more than 20 universities and companies as members:

  • major global food industries; including producers involved in agriculture, manufacturing of major food items to the bulk market, and manufactures of special ingredients
  • paper packaging industry
  • the Sustainability Consortium
  • the ecoinvent database
  • energy companies in Denmark and France
  • universities in Denmark and Sweden
  • consultancy companies in Denmark, Norway and Sweden